The silence is nice

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Optimus stepped out onto the metal floor of the base, a refreshing change from the rocks and sand he'd been running on for the longest time, his pedsteps echoing softly as his optics adjusted to the lighting of the base, the sight of his team both brought a small sense of delight and a gripping worry. Before he could get a word out, the bridge was closed behind him with a loud swirl, and it was quiet for only a moment. "Now, Optimus, what the slag were you thinking leaving the base when I specifically told you to stay?" Ratchet demanded coldly, glaring at his leader with a mix of anger and concern. The others were no better, Bulkhead looked almost upset with how concerned he was, Bumblebee's wings were drooping lightly, and Arcee had her arms crossed with a disapproving look. "I was not in the right headspace, old friend. I apologize-" Ratchet cut him off. "An apology isn't going to cut it! You've been acting strangely for months now!" He snapped, earning nods of agreement from the others. "We're worried, Optimus. If you need a break, I can lead." Arcee spoke up, stepping forward. "You don't seem... fit at the moment, no offense. We don't want to lose you." Arcee continued, earning a few beeps from Bumblebee. "Yea! If something's bothering you, you can tell us!" Bumblebee beeped out, hoping maybe to get some answers from the leader.

Optimus was silent, obviously thinking on how to respond. Do I tell them? He questioned himself. Do I tell them what I did? About the voice? Optimus thought back to what he did to that poor Vehicon, the taste of his energon still lingered in his mouth, his teeth still felt soar from tearing into the Vehicon's armor, draining the life from his already weak frame and making sure to gain as much energon as he could in such a sloppy, disgusting mess of spilt energon and blinded hunger. No. Not if I can help it. I can't. I won't. They'd think me insane... "I believe I am alright for the moment," Optimus began, his voice soft but firm. "But if another issue arises, I will step down and allow Arcee to lead if I am unfit or unwell." A collective sigh of relief came from his Autobots. "Good." Ratchet spoke softly, looking up at the Prime. "You can tell us anything, remember that Optimus. We doubt you'd do anything to harm our trust in you. Not willingly." Optimus almost froze at those words, how was that so close? He doesn't know. He reassured himself. He doesn't know about the voice, he never will have to know as long as I can keep this up. He won't believe me even if I told him earnestly. Even he wouldn't. Nobody would. Optimus simply smiled and nodded before leaving for his berthroom, the Autobots returning to their posts and to be ready to gather the children up. "Oh, and Optimus?" Ratchet suddenly but gently called out. "You aren't leaving this base for the next week unless it's necessary, you hear me? I'm keeping an optic on you!" Optimus let out a small sigh. I knew it. "I understand." He responded over his shoulder, before continuing down the hall.

"How cute."

Optimus jolted in a matter of moments, quickly having to collect himself from his shock as he was still in the view of Ratchet, slightly hurrying to his berthroom. No. You were supposed to stay quiet. Optimus silently panicked. Why are you back?! Why haven't you shut up for good yet?! "Oh shush." It mocked. "I just wanted to talk to my dear friend before I go for the month." Optimus slipped into his berthroom, locking the door behind him before whispering softly. "You aren't my friend. You're a figment of my processor, a mental embodiment of this war getting to me." He whispered coldly, pulling himself away from the door and turning on his light to dim, laying down on his berth to try and relax. "Well, you best get comfy. You'll be stuck here for a month, wasting about 1/4th of the time without me in this big silo for a base, hidden within a totally not suspicious rock that just so happens to be placed exactly where it is." The voice laughed, further mocking the Prime. "But, I must keep up my end of the deal. Goodbye, for now, Orion." Optimus growled quietly at that. You have no right to call me that. He thought, before closing his optics in silence. Quiet again. No response.

He glanced over at a shelf that rested on the other side of his room, opposite of his desk, and spotted a stack of unused datapads. He snatched one off the stack, and quickly got to writing. He wanted to write about all the things that had happened to him thus far, cataloguing each day, each occurrence, each day of silence and each day it toyed with him. He hoped that, if push came to shove, he'd hand the datapad to Ratchet and leave in the case the voice grew too hostile- no. If he got too hostile. If he became too aggressive, too dangerous, then he'd give the datapad to Ratchet to explain why. He'd leave notes all throughout, regretting not telling them now but fearing he'd be unbelievable, crazy. As he wrote, the day passed, hours went by and all he did was write. A sudden but gentle knocking on his door brought him out of his trance. "Optimus? You alright in there? You haven't come out of your room since you returned to base, and that was 6 hours ago." Arcee softly called out. 6 hours?! Have I been writing about... Oh Primus. He saved his writing and hid the datapad for the moment, unlocking and opening his door to see Arcee waiting with slight concern written in her expression. "I am well, Arcee, I simply got lost in a datapad is all. I do not mean to worry you." He spoke gently, giving a soft, convincing smile to the small blue femme, earning a relieved smile in return. "I had a hunch." She chuckled. "Ratchet said you should probably go check with him now, he wants to make sure you're doing alright." Oh no. Optimus hummed softly, nodding. "Very well, I best get to him then." "He's in the medbay at the moment, you can catch him now." Arcee let him pass her as she spoke, pointing down to the medbay. "Thank you, Arcee." Arcee gave a thumbs up before walking off, giving one more glance back at her leader as he locked his berthroom door and walked down the other end of the hall, towards the medbay. Arcee was unaware of it, but Optimus was slightly worried, and was tempted to bail any moment to avoid a medical examination at a time like this, when he wrote all that...

Let's hope this goes well.

(1166 words! Poggers)

The Voice Won't Go Away - A Transformers Prime FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now