Home again, time to feast.

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Optimus' eternal clock told him it was morning. Early morning, aswell. His optics flickered online, adjusting to the darkness of... his... room. Huh. Sitting up, he found himself on his berth, a fresh energon cube resting on his work desk not too far from his berth, and a datapad rested against it, both letting off a dim, cyan blue light that barely illuminated the area around them. Rubbing his helm, he swung his legs off the berth and stood up, stretching before turning on his berthroom light, and sitting down at his desk, plucking the datapad off the desk. Reading it over, he found it was from Ratchet, which worried him as he took a sip from the energon cube...

Hello, Optimus. I hope you're feeling well, whenever you have awoken. You were missing for a few days, only for your signal to appear miles away from where we last saw you. You were knocked out in a shallow cave, however you weren't injured, thankfully. But upon examination, something just felt off about your processor, and general state of mind, although it could just be me being worried. Please take it easy anyways for the day, so I can keep an optic on your vitals.

- Ratchet

Optimus had finished off his energon cube after reading the full extent of the note his old friend and medic had left for him. The thought of his mental state being out of touch was a strange thought, and- wait. He remembered. "The voice... where is it?" He mumbled, confused. He'd gotten so used to 'it', or 'him' or 'them', or whatever the voice was, that its absence in his audio receptors, his processor, was shocking once he noticed it. He half expected it to reappear when he called for it subconsciously, but it didn't. Had it finally gone away? Checking his vitals, there sure enough was something different about his processor. Optimus decided not to question it, and put the empty cube and datapad down, turning off his light and exiting his berthroom. Everyone was still recharging at this point in time, so he decided to leave the base. He had a job to do, he remembered the things words, echoing back and force in his processor.

"Kill someone, anyone. A vehicon, a human, anyone, and bring them here, so you can at least have some privacy... and drink as much energon or blood from their frame as you can."

Optimus winced as it repeated again, transforming and quickly exiting the base itself. The sun hasn't even risen yet as his engine rumbles across the cracked, grey roads of Jasper, ones he'd traveled so many times before. He'd pull off, however, and go into a completely different direction to find someone to drink from. It would ward off the voice, and all he had to do was find a Vehicon. Maybe an Insecticon if he was unlucky finding a lone Vehicon. He needed a fresh kill, and not some week or month old frame. The distant sound of a mining operation slowly grew louder, and the sounds of Vehicon voices could be heard. Perfect. He picked up speed, before slowing down once close enough, transforming and hiding behind a large set of rocks. Before he could survey the area, a familiar sound arrived.

"Hunting? Good. Should be a few stragglers around." It spoke. The voice had returned so suddenly that it made Optimus flinch harshly, his audio receptors softly lowering, tensing up all over, before quickly refocusing on the task at servo. "You wanted me to find someone, so I ask you kindly be quiet while I do so for you." He quickly hissed out, resulting in it to chuckle. "Very well, I shall stay quiet." Optimus peeked around the rocks, looking around. He spotted about 30-45 Vehicons, and Starscream surveying them. This was no small operation, with hundreds of cubes worth of energon crystals being pulled out of the mouth of a huge cave, the sound of drillers within wasn't quiet at all, as Starscream barked out orders. "You there! Watch where you're going! You! Keep an optic on the others inside! I don't want anyone slacking.." Optimus looked around further, and spotted a stray Vehicon, seeming impatient, wanting to sneak off and take a break. It wouldn't be long until a couple of Vehicons across the site caused a bit of an accident, bumping into another handful of Vehicons and resulting in the dropping of a dozens cubes worth of crystals, resulting in Starscream being distracted and going over there to tear these Vehicons a new one. Seeing this, said lone, irritated and bored Vehicon quickly darted off, and Optimus took his chance, quickly but quietly climbing around the site to follow the Vehicon without being spotted.

He soon found this lone Vehicon, who'd snagged a couple cubes of high grade energon all for himself, chuckling and mocking Starscream as he prepared to drink away. "Stupid SIC and Seeker, let's aaall the power get to his head, even when he has none. Lord Megatron should know better then to trust him with a few dozen of us." He laughed, taking a sip of his high grade. Optimus slowly crept down the cliffside closest to the Vehicon, and prepared to lung and silence the mech below. He began to feel himself loosing control of his own thoughts, the only thing he could think about was drinking this sod dry of all his delicious, tasty energon, sapping it from his frame slowly. He made a small noise, and the Vehicon growled. "Who's there?! You can't have this high grade, it's mi-!" Optimus leapt through the air, closing the distance between himself and his prey, arms outstretched and mouth agape, revealing multiple rows of sharp, hollow teeth, perfect for sucking the life out of unsuspecting cybertronians such as this unlucky one before him. His optics filled with a crazy hunger, his usually large orbs now unnaturally small, giving him a horrific look. The mech hadn't a chance to scream, and the Prime hadn't a chance to stop himself as they collided.


1018 words! What, you think I'm gonna just continue? Nah, cliffhanger.
Also people wanted to see more, so I give you more. ;)

The Voice Won't Go Away - A Transformers Prime FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now