Chapter 11- New Years

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I had know idea what to wear, I don’t want to come off as trying to hard, but I also don’t want to come off as a bum. I decided on a short silver sequence skirt that I tucked a black see threw top into and underneath a grey bando. I decided on curling my long hair, and even curled it reached just above my hips.

After doing my makeup I quickly checked the time, 8:35. Damn they would be here soon, I decided to run and check on Nivea and see how she was getting on.

“Ready?” I said as I came walking in her room, she was on her bed practically hyperventilating.

“What are you doing!?” I screamed running over to her in a panic.

“What have our lives come to? Were going out with todays hottest celebrities. Dad always said we were meant for greatness, but this is much better.” She laughed and jumped out of bed dragging me down stairs towards the front entrance.

I hated when she brought up our dad, he wasn’t around so I didn’t see the point in bringing him up.

Just then the door bell rang. Nivea answered it almost instantly revealing two very well dressed handsome men.

“Hi Niall.” Nivea spoke almost creep like , reaching her hand out, waiting for the connection of his.

“Hello, you look lovely, these are for you.” He said giving her a kiss on each cheek then handing her a batch of 24 red roses.

We both stood there speechless for awhile.

“Thank you, they’re beautiful.” Nivea finally spoke, just then our mother came jumping around the corner, I could almost smell the wine on her breath.

“So you must be the boys, that have my girls all giddy over.” My mother almost slurred shaking each of their hands.

“I’m Mrs. Alberts, but you can call me Kandy.” She was eye flirting with both of them, which was causing more tension and awkwardness then there already was.

“Nice to meet you.” The both said at once.

“Mom . Go put these in water would you.” Nivea fakely said with a huge grin on her face, signaling her to leave the room.

“Not too late guys…” my mother warned as she skipped off towards what I was guessing the kitchen to find a vase.

I rushed us out the door and headed towards the limo before we could have anymore interruptions. Niall and Nivea were sitting up nearest to the front of the limo and they both seemed to be having a fun time, Harry and i on the other hand were silent most of the ride. Neither of us was sure what to say after the other nights events.

“I have something for you as well.” Harry leaned over and whispered in my ear, the warmth of his soft breath was giving me tingles all over.

I didn’t see anything which made me a little anxious to what my surprise was.

“Who needs a drink.?” I blurted out opening a fresh bottle of champagne and taking a large chug from it.

We all managed to spike up a fun and intelligent conversation for the duration of the time, and by the time we arrived at the club we were all pretty buzzed from the liquor the limo service had provided, special for New Years.

When we arrived my stomach started turning when I noticed the familiar flashing and chattering we were about to walk out into. Nivea on the other hand was getting her self prepped and beautified.

When Jim, The limo driver came over to Harry and I side, Harry took my hand and told me to keep my eyes on the floor or him, and we would be inside before we knew it. When we jumped out the blinding returned. I did what harry had told me and keep my eyes on the floor and bolted towards the club entrance.

“That WAS AMAZING!” Nivea slurred jumping up and down with her arm intertwined with Niall. They ran off together, I’m guessing towards the bar.

“I got us a table up there so no one can take photos or bother us.” Harry gestured to a small booth that was looking over the club, it was perfect and private.

“What would you like to drink?” Harry ask digging threw the ice bucket full of variety of alcohol as we took our seats.

“Rum please.” I smiled reaching for a glass.

We spent the next few hours drinking and watching over the club, we also spotted Niall and Nivea running around drunk , dancing with eachother. Nivea at this point was ontop of the bar dancing. Always looking for attention I laughed then brought my attention back to my watch, it was 11:55.

“Five minutes, ladies and gentlemen” I herd a man announce over the speaker.

The thought of this was making me squirm and feel sick, maybe I had a few too many shots. I needed to get to a bathroom.

I quickly got up and caught Harrys glare, he looked worried, I shot him a smile to show him I was okay.

When I came back I herd the countdown begin, I took my seat next to Harry and noticed Nivea and Niall were behind us whispering and laughing.  


I began shifting, I didn’t want to make eye contact with Harry, I didn’t want anything to happen, nothing could happen, he was famous and already had a lot on his plate and I was going to be returning back to school In a week.


I couldn’t help but lock my eyes with his hypnotic green eyes.


I could hear the roar and cheering of the people below us, everyone was hugging and kissing, I glanced behind us to see Nivea and Niall lip locked, no surprise there. And then there was us, locked eyes, it seemed more intimate then any kiss could ever feel.  

He lend in closer, as did I , never releasing our gaze.




I could feel his breath on my lips as our noses slightly grazed eachothers, then I turned my head and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

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