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~Storm pov~

I was sitting on the bed reading a magazine I can't believe I was really sent here so far I have been chilling but that's because the medicine they give me which is fluoxetine and my anger hasn't taken over and these people been getting on my nerves

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I was sitting on the bed reading a magazine I can't believe I was really sent here so far I have been chilling but that's because the medicine they give me which is fluoxetine and my anger hasn't taken over and these people been getting on my nerves.

"Ms.butterfly you have to join arts and crafts with us" one of the nurses said and I got up and followed her I sat down and began to glue together popsicles I had no idea what I was making.

"Ou project is pretty" this girl
Jackey told me

"Thanks" I said faking a smile.

"No problem" she said jackey was my friend here she was crazy though she murdered her uncle because she saw snakes coming out his head.

Was she really crazy? Absolutely not but that's what she told the court because he was assaulting her and she wasn't trying to go to jail she was 18 and they were going to charge her as an adult. But she only spends 1 year here it's probably the smartest thing someone has ever done.

I kept glueing the wood together I guess I was making a house. This shit was boring I was ready to go home already I had two more days to spend here my brother and friends visited me 2 times since I been here like y'all can live without me for a week not like I was crazy was I?

"Hey I can steal you a pudding cup from the cafeteria" jackey told me

"Ou okay thanks" I said to jackey

"No problem give me 30 minutes" she said

Then I saw another kid here started going crazy on one of nurses. I gasped and saw everyone running to break it up and I saw jackey slip away I laughed shaking my head and watched how the boy was fighting the one nurse.

Jackey came back with a pudding cup for me.

"Here you go my sweet" she said

"Thank you" I said

"So how was your visit yesterday with your boyfriend?" Jackey asked me

"It went well we snuck in that closet you told me about and had sex" I said

Jackey nodded her head "told you it was roomy" jackey said

"Yeah it is , but they miss me and can't wait for me to come back" I said

"Good thing you go back in 2 days I got 8 months left" jackey said

"Well when you get out find me" I said

"Really?" She asked me

"Yeah us crazy people gotta stick together" I said joking

Jackey and I laughed.


I was laying in my bed and my door opened I sat up and it was jackey.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked her

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