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~Storm pov~

I saw the time it was 2:09 I sat up from my bed Breah and Kane was sleep

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I saw the time it was 2:09 I sat up from my bed Breah and Kane was sleep. This was gonna be hard. I got up slowly and put on some shoes. I creeped up the stairs and to the front door.

I got in my car and drove off I was gonna meet up with pinky. I arrived at her house and knocked on the door. She opened it in seconds.

"Wassup bitch?" She said smiling

"Girl just here to see you girly" I said and she let me in.

"Wassup?" I asked her

"Nothing bout smoke this blunt you down?" She asked me

"Yeah I need this I pulled off my brother girl wig today that bitch gonna get what's coming to her" I said

Pinky laughed "man just beat her ass she deserve it talking crazy to you in your house she fucking dumb" pinky said

"Word she must not know I fight everyone" I said

Pinky laughed and started to play with my hair "I like this color on you" she said

"Thanks let's smoke this blunt bitch" I said

Pinky lit the blunt and took the first pull and she passed it to me I wanted to get high as a kite.

I still wanted to beat that bitch up the anger was just ranging over me.


I got back home it was 4:00 in the morning I sat on the couch. I heard footsteps let me act like I'm sleep.

I closed my eyes and I felt a nudge. I opened my eyes faking my slumber and saw Breah.

"Hey where you go?" She asked me

"I was up here what you mean?" I said to her.

Breah tapped the top of my head.

"I know you wasn't Storm, so where you go?" She asked me

"No where Breah I promise now come on let's sleep" I said to her she sat next to me and we laid together on the couch. Breah know me too well, can't believe I lied to her to her face.


I woke up to Breah alarm going off. She shook me and I woke up like opening up my eyes. I sat up and saw Breah stretching.

"Oh let me get Kane so we can go" Breah said

"I'm up already" Kane said stretching

I smiled "where you two go last night?" He asked

"No where" Breah and I said

"I swear y'all fucking lowkey" he said making Breah and I laugh

"Anyway we gotta get ready for school we'll see you there duckie?" Breah asked me

"Yeah definitely see y'all there" I said but I lied semi lied actually I was going but later like 2nd period I wanted to see Bianca.

They left and I went to the bathroom to get dressed for the day.

I got a FaceTime call from Sincere I picked up while I was in the shower.

"Good morning baby" he said

"Hey wassup" I said

"Wait, you in the shower?" He asked looking closer

I put my phone up and Sincere can see my boobs to my stomach.

"Oh yeah like what I'm seeing" he said smiling

I just continue to wash my ass I'm pretty sure Sincere was taking pictures for his enjoyment. Boys were horny freaks.

I finished my shower and wrapped myself in my huge towel and began to look for some clothes.

"What's for breakfast?" Sincere asked

"I don't know but I'm coming second period to see Bianca and Ermias". I miss my stinka plus he was named after nipsey.

"No invite mamas?" He asked me

"Sorry not this time just need a bit of peace" I said

"Don't you think you're grieving for a while now?" Sincere said

"What? I lost a brother Sincere, fucking idiot I need to grieve as long I want too" I said

"I'm sorry baby that was insensitive of me but you know Comet moved on the gang has but you why?" Sincere asked me

"Because we still don't know who did it? My parents or these other gangs and plus nipsey was the only other person I could talk to when I couldn't with Comet so yeah I'm still hurt" I said

"Well you know he loves you" Sincere said

"Yeah I know but I'm gonna go now so I can get dressed" I said

"Alright see you later" he said I hung up quick.

Sincere was being a bitch I can have feelings and that's fine. I finished getting dressed wearing some ripped jeans and a t shirt putting one my ones. I got a jean jacket and put it on.

I grabbed my bag and keys and went upstairs seeing comet on the couch.

"School this early?" He asked

"Gonna see Bianca and Ermias" I said

"Oh alright make sure you go to school too" he said

"I am bye" I said

"Love you storm" he said

"Love you too C" I said and walked out.

I arrived at Bianca place she was standing at the door waiting for me with Ermias on her hip sleep. He was a good baby so full of personality and sweet.

"How's everything?" She asked me handing me my nephew

"Good I missed you" I said smiling

"I miss you too" she said

"Comet got a new girl" I told her

"Really? You don't like her?" Bianca asked

"Nope I pulled off her wig yesterday" I said smiling

Bianca laughed "you are a wild girl" Bianca said

I laughed "I know but that bitch had it coming" I said

"She definitely did" Bianca said

"You still friends with the pinky girl?" She asked me

"I am that's my bitch" I said

"Oh god Storm the girl is troubled and you know that shit stop acting out" Bianca said

I rolled my eyes "man listen I'm a hang with whoever I want can't no one tell me what to do" I said

"Yeah comet told me you been showing your ass better cut the shit or I'll cut you" Bianca said

I laughed "shut up before I kidnap your child" I said making Bianca and I share a laugh.

I missed Bianca and I moments like this.


End of the chapter guys comment and vote my chapter loves

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