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~Storm pov~

I was back at college they didn't kick me out I guess having that impulsive disorder helped me catch up

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I was back at college they didn't kick me out I guess having that impulsive disorder helped me catch up. I finished my class for the day though. I was on my way home to my friends. I know they missed me for the day of course.

I was driving down in the town by all the stores and I saw a man dressed in all white where the hell was he going. I stopped at the red light and looked at him and saw it was Leon. I reversed and he looked at me and I rolled down my window.

"Leon" I said

"Storm" he said I busted a whole ass u turn and he looked scared.

I parked the car and got out and looked at him "I just want you to know Storm I wasn't going to hurt I was actually started to like you" he said

"I just want you to know I forgive you" I said to him

"What why?" He said

"I'm different sorta but I got to go but I forgive you" I said I went back to my car and started to head back home.

Was I going to tell them boys I saw him? Absolute not I did not want any parts I done got shot, kidnapped, lost my brother and diagnosed with shit because of this I wasn't doing shit no more.

I arrived at home and walked in to see sky doing her homework good girl of course comet sitting there with Bianca rubbing her stomach. And Ermias playing on the grown.

"What the hell is this?" I asked

"Baby sister guess what" comet said

"Nigga again at least marry her" I said

"Shut up Storm yes Bianca is pregnant again" comet said

I smiled "congratulations" I said I went to Bianca stomach "you better be a girl" I said

"Lawd give us the strength if it is" Bianca said

I laughed "so you guys today I'm going to apologize and forgive all the people I have done wrong or done wrong to me" I said

"Gonna be a long ass day then" sincere said coming out the kitchen

"Sincere I am sorry baby" I said smiling sincere came to me and kissed my cheek.

"I forgive you Storm and I sincerely apologize from the deepest part of my soul for everything I did to you" sincere said

"Beautiful now I need lolo addy I'm going to apologize to her" I said smiling

"You are blossoming into a wonderful woman" Bianca said

"Thanks B" I said smiling

"Come on I'll come with you" Sincere said smiling.

We walked out the house and to my car and sincere put in the address.

"I'm also going to apologize to sev, the girls I fought in high school" I said

"We going to have a long day should of skipped class" sincere said

"I will ignore that" I said smiling as we drove to lolo house.

We arrived and I got out "want me to come?" Sincere asked

"Lord no" I said

I walked to her front door and knocked on the door and seconds later she opened it.

"Bitch Aw hell no!" She yelled and threw up her fist. I laughed.

"I'm not here to fight lolo I actually want to apologize for the drama that was going on between us" I said

"Oh, wow that's mature of you, are you dying?" She asked me

"I would beat your ass for that but I'm a new and improve Storm but I apologize for all the drama" I told her

"And I'm sorry too for trying to take sincere when he obviously was in love with you" she said

I smiled "thanks but I gotta go do more apologies so see ya and good luck" I said and walked to the car. I got in and sincere laughed.

"So mature of you baby, good job mamas" he said kissing my cheek and we drove off and next was sev. I knew were he lived he was my friend aka neighbor. I got out the car and knocked on his door and he opened it.

"Storm not you coming back for me" he said laughing

"Oh no I'm not I'm coming back to apologize for the way things happened between us and no bad blood" I said

"I accept your apology and I'm sorry for harassing you that time we had" he said

"It's fine it's in the past we've grown" I said smiling

"Yeah we definitely did good job Storm" he said

"Thanks" I said and walked back to the car.


My whole day was apologizing my mouth was tired of it now. Last people I need to see was my parents. Sincere stayed in the car while I walked to their lot. I got flowers for them and I put it in the dirt. I sat in my knees.

"I forgive you both for all the damage you caused to my soul, all the pain and anger you bought to me, I'm letting all my demons out so I can move on. I'm with a guy I actually do love and I want nothing but happiness for us, I got a sister I love very much I wish you told us about, I got a niece or nephew on the way hoping it's a niece. A family I never knew about but glad to know now I forgive you both for the sins you bought on to us. I am a better person now who is letting go of the hurt because of you both the first people to ever break my heart and the last to heal it. I forgive you mom and dad I miss you guys and love you guys still want you to rot in hell but peaceful." I said smiling I got up and placed the necklace aunt Claire gave me and put it on their tombston.

"Thanks for the money too" I said laughing

"Goodbye for now" I added and I walked away.


End of the chapter guys so yeah let me know how this one was for y'all I done bought back sev lol. Yes b and comet expecting purrr teaser book 3 is going to be about their child life surprise lol two or three more chapters and the story will be done officially for Storm butterfly. But we will still see her of course.

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