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~Storm pov~

I had the girls in the living room doing each other hairs and nails

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I had the girls in the living room doing each other hairs and nails.

"Girl tell me why my old thang Jerome texted me talking bout come over" pinky said

I rolled my eyes and laughed "eww Jerome was a straight bum pinky I don't know how you did it"  I told her

She just laughed "me neither" she said

The front door opened to comet and boogie.

"Wassup y'all?" Comet said looking around

"The fuck y'all got going on? A sleepover?" Boogie asked

"Actually yeah" Bianca said she got up and kissed comet I smiled.

"Look Breah did my nails Comet" sky said flashing her nails at him and boogie. I smiled she was too stinking cute. Wonder if this is how comet felt with me and even now with sky.

"It's so pretty pumpkin, you like yellow don't you?" He asked her

"Yeah and plus Breah said black people with yellow anything is the best we invented yellow" sky said

Breah laughed "I did say that" she said

I smiled and hugged sky. "You are so cute I wish I knew you longer" I said to her

"It's fine I'm going to get to know you now and forever on" sky said

"Comet, Bianca can we talk?" I asked them both they looked worried.

"Come on" comet said

We walked into the kitchen I began to follow behind them.

"Wassup sis?" Bianca said

"I think we need to get sky into therapy with dr.lopez" I said

"Why? She's only 8 she's not crazy Storm" comet said

"So what are you saying? I was crazy?" I asked

"Yeah you fucking nuts as hell" he said

"Whatever I know that but I've been much better. But let's start her early we just met her we don't know what she's been through especially in foster care come on comet" I said

"Let me think about it storm" comet said

"I think she's right comet she is still young if we can prevent anything for the future than we need to get it now" Bianca said

Thank god she's on my side.

"I said let me sleep on it" comet said to us.

"Okay" I said


It was now later everyone was sleep in my room. I couldn't sleep I went upstairs into the living room and saw sky.

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