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~Storm pov~

I was now starting college and it was boring as hell I was over this shit

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I was now starting college and it was boring as hell I was over this shit. I had 2 classes today meaning I got home early like around 12 early enough for Sky to come home and Ermias to be dropped off here. I was heading back home. I texted Kane to come over I missed him and plus he can't glue my head back together somewhat.

I got in my car and started driving home from the campus it was like a 15 minute ride. Thank god.

I saw lolo at a red light. I rolled down my window and turned down my music and beeped my horn to get her attention. She looked through the the corner of her eyes and turned her head a little bit she acted like she ain't see me.

"Bitch I know you see and hear me!" I yelled through my window.

She rolled down her window.

"Why you doing all this storm?" She asked me

"Because bitch you a weirdo and you a stalker now I'm going to your house to beat your ass do you understand me?" I said to her

"Bitch fuck you come to my house I'm calling the police" she said back to me

"Call them Bitch I'll tell them a stalker!" I yelled

"Ight Bitch come get your ass beat!" She yelled

The light turn green and boy she was out. This pussy ass hoe.

I tried to keep up with her but a truck cut me off fucking Bitch.

I called sincere.

"Wassup baby?" He answered

"Send me lolo addy bruh" I said

"First of all don't call me no bruh baby, and second of all why?" He asked me

"My bad baby but I just saw her and I wanna fight" I said

"Go take your ass home to hang with Kane please" sincere said laughing

I smiled as I arrived at home.

"I'm home now I'll text you" I said

"Ight baby I'll be over tonight" he said

"Okay bye" I said I saw Kane car already here he inside my house already.

I walked inside and saw him laying on the couch.

"Wassup storm?" He greeted me

"Hi bestie" I said and I jumped on it.

"Get your big ass off me" Kane said

I laughed and snuggled under him.

"Kane what's going on with our love life?" I asked him

"Shit it's this one girl that I see on campus and I'm scared to talk to her" he said

I gasped and sat up.

"This is coming from your mouth? Kane you aren't scared to talk to girls at all what's going on?" I asked him

"I don't know she just got confidence on 100% and I like that she's pretty too not my type of baddie but she's a darkskin and she is beautiful" Kane said describing her.

"I think you should try it and if she say no then you can blame me" I said laughing

"Of course duh you always trying to cause trouble" Kane said

I stuck up my middle finger at him.

"What's for lunch?" He asked me

"Imma order pizza and wings and Bianca dropping off Ermias for a bit" i said

"Ight bet I miss my son" Kane said

We both laughed "so not your son" I said laughing

"But wassup with you are you okay?" Kane asked me

"Absolutely not I'm thinking about going to dr.lopez more again and anger management but I definitely cursed out lolo today well just now. I said

"What you saw her? What she say?" Kane asked

"I told that bitch imma beat her ass and let me pull up to her house she stupid if I would of came there trying to beat her ass she could of used a weapon" I said rolling my eyes.

"You want her to use a weapon on you?" Kane asked me laughing

"Shit probably so I know there's a chance of her winning the sort" I said.

"Yeah you is crazy as hell" Kane said

I started laughing because that did just sound fucking psycho.


Ermias and sky was home now sky was singing to Ermias in his crib as he took a little nappy nap. They were so cute.

Breah and king came through my door and looked at us like we forgot something

"Oh shit" I said

I got up and hugged breah "sorry I totally forgot today is moving day let me put the car seat up and we can get it on and poppin" I said

"Good because I would beat your ass" Breah said

"I won't be mad about that big sexy" I said winking at breah

"Gayyy" Kane said

King just laughed "it's fine me and sincere spoke about if they ever leave us for each other it's cool" king said

"At least y'all know" I said

"Y'all niggas gay" sky said

Making us laugh she sounded like Riley from the boondocks she probably watches that now. Bad ass.

We got everyone out my house and got ready to move everything from Breah house and king house into one house now.

Kane and I was tired of the work they made us do. I plopped down on the couch and so did Breah and Kane.

"Nobody else move for a minute I ain't carrying shit no more" I said

"Lazy asses" boogie said walking past up carrying a lamp.

"Says the guy carrying a lamp I carried this couch in here" I said

"Why you lying for?" Tj said "that was me and killa ass" tj added

"Shh mind your business, like who side you on?" I asked tj laughing

"Hey whores!" Pinky said walking inside

"Pinky here to help too y'all got the whole gang" Kane said

"Good news y'all!" Pinky ghetto ass yelled

"Wassup?" I said laughing at her silly ass.

She pulled out some tracks and started laughing

"Who weave is that?" I asked sitting up laughing now

"That bitch lolo I saw her and remember what you texted in the chat and I pulled that bitch hair out the fuck" pinky said I laughed and got up hugging her

"I'm in so much trouble" I said laughing


End of the chapter guys I miss this book so much I wanna give y'all good stuff and that it but I hope y'all like the chapter make sure to comment and vote I love y'all keep doing y'all thing. Pooh shiesty 😂

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