Reincarnation Roulette: In the Day

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Soo.. want to design the human form for a reincarnated character, go read my profile!

The lush glossy black lipstick slung to his upper lip like a second skin, purple eye shadow traces in black surrounded his eyes. Deepak scowled at his hair, its was mostly black with a single gold highlight by his left ear.

That stupid piece of hair would not dye out no matter what he did.

How could he be the goth he needed, if that piece was so shiny.

Darn he was envious of his twins hair, so dark with a beautiful purple tinge.

Looking at the time he sighed, there was still five hours till they would go to the hospital to sign Nikhil out.

His hands briefly clenched in anger, wishing to take up a weapons and show those... brats.. yes lets go with brats... the pain they had on his twin.

He still dreamed of the blood pooling around Nikhil, Nikhil barely breathing.

Deepak forced himself to relax, he had to relax otherwise he'd still be foul mooded when they went to the hospital. There was no need to make Nikhil feel bad again, those brats were facing prison.

He would not allow anyone to hurt his brother again.
Deep inside his subconscious, the sleeping Dream agreed.
He'd already failed once.


Error watched amused as Geno played with the rooms television, trying to find something to keep his mind active.

Suddenly strong vocals came from the screen, Japanese J-pop echoing through the room.
"That.. voice," Geno said surprised, and Error blinked as it was hauntingly familiar.

"In two weeks, the J-pop artist Berī Aoi will be visiting our very town. The Concert proceeds will go to our very own hospital," a news anchor said, facing clearly showing they were a fan.

The scene shifted to a concert, a small man of maybe twenty on stage. Blue tinted white hair curling around an expressive face, shining Blue eyes rare on pure Japanese shining in the light as he sand with his heart.

Error would know that person anywhere, even as a human.
Geno would know him only because they were two halves of one soul.

"Blue Brah..." Fresh said grinning.

"Very much so," Error said.

Of course Blue would end with a name that literally Translated to Blue and Berry.


Aoi stretched and yawned, feeling the kink in his back vanish.

Three months he had woken up, or should he say woken up.

Reincarnation, wasn't that a trip.
Apparently his life was an Isekei, and he had to wonder if anyone else was along for the ride.

Blue grinned, he couldn't wait.

Aoi From Japanese 葵 (aoi) meaning "hollyhock, althea" or an adjectival form of 碧 (ao) meaning "green, blue". Other kanji with the same reading can form this name as well.

Berī Berry

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