Reincarnation Roulette: Moon and Night sky

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After the story, please look at the bottom for profiles and at least one picture. Sorry for the long wait I was hoping for more entries.

The moon was beautiful tonight, a shining orb in an infinite starry night sky.

Pale Blond hair fluttered in a gust of wind, he pushed the loose strands away from his gray-blue eyes.

He sipped his tea, enjoying the warmth of it spreading through his body.

He checked the time on his mobile, it was nearing midnight and he had work early in the morning.

Yet he didn't move from the park bench he sat on, his thoughts keeping him there.

Abyss missed his friends, a journey they had never finished due to the end.

He hoped he'd meet Mecha and the others one day, it hadn't been the easiest life but he had been happy with it.

"Oh, sorry..." a voice said.

Turning Abyss blinked, a female stood there with an expensive telescope. She had her deep black hair with streaks of yellow in it, she had it ties back in a french braid. Her eyes were large and a very expressive blue, her cheeks were dusted with freckles.

"Its fine," He responded getting up from his bench, dusting his jeans off and adjusting his long jacket.

"There's so many stars out tonight, just outer," the women mused.

"Hmmm" he hummed under his breath.

"Names Astral Starr," the women said introducing himself "I never get enough of this, and I work with Astronomy."

"Renato Nova..." Abyss said quietly "Barista."

"Maybe we'll run into each other again," Astral said laughing, setting the telescope up.

"Maybe," he responded, and began to walk away only to pause when she suddenly grabbed hsi jacket.

"What?" he asked.

"Do I know you?" she asked in confusion.

'No way' he thought shocked.

"Outer?" he questioned, she blinked and eyes seemed to brighten in happiness.

"Abyss, its you," she said happily.

The hug was a surprise, but the eighteen year old felt relief knowing he wasn't alone.


Fresh or Fern as far as this word considered stared at the ceiling, purple eyes stared at the ceiling blankly as her white hair spread around her.


A gender..

The ultimate parasite now had a confirmed gender, as in the past the nearest was there host's gender and with skeletons gender was more a choice.

It helped that in this life they'd grown up female before they'd remembered, but it felt awkward. Couldn't she have been at least been born male, she knew male better then female.

And lets not forget the emotions, she hadn't any true emotions last time around.

At least she had Geno and Error, and wasn't there situation hilarious.

But, it was better then being alone.

As she drifted off to sleep, she made a mental to do list... the first entry..

She needed a Furby Funk it.


In the twins room, Geno and Error slept. Instead of falling asleep Geno has curled up with Error, two sides of one, as close as they both be. Two sides of one soul, neither complete and even worse without Reaper.

Hopefully tomorrow would be better.

Profile: Outer
Profile Artist: ChaosDancer12
Name: Astral Age 23
Last Name:  Starr (chosen by Fire)
Gender: Female
tiny girl, with wide eyes, freckles, and hair that goes all over the place... And she works part time in an astronomy place. Her hair is black, and she added streaks of yellow. Her eyes are dark blue

Profile: Abyss
Profile Artist:  MistraltheSkelegirl
First Name: Renato
Last name: Nova
Hair color: pale blond
Eyes: grayish blue
Height: About 5' ((he shall always be smol))
Age: 18-19
Normally wears long coats and jeans, with boots. Quiet, doesn't really talk to people often, maybe friends with the Cross reincarnation? Lives on his own, and makes stuff to sell online. Also has a job as a barista, because it's a job, and it pays the bills. Parents are unknown, grew up as a foster child.

Profile: Fresh
Profile Artist: me <3
First Name: Fern
Last name:  Anathema
Age: 17

Profile: FreshProfile Artist: me <3First Name: FernLast name:  AnathemaAge: 17

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Art above is mine by the way, made with super crappy art program

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