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Out of the 4 of them maddie had never had a clue as to what she planned to do when she was older, the question would always pop up in conversation but Maddie never had a answer. Maddie didn't ever think she needed to think of a career because she believed she would never make it past 25.

After finishing school nobody heard from Maddie as she never attended school reunion events so many assumed she was in fact dead.
This was far from the truth, after leaving school Maddie decided that she would have a break from school and go travelling. She travelled the world. However she had no support or fundings so Maddie's "journey of the world" consisted of walking round London. She visited some gorgeous sites such as Peckham council estates and Stratford . She loved it all.

Maddie continued to do this for many years before realising she had travelled for so long it would now be too embarrassing to go back to studying so decided against it. Due to Maddie having no career and therefore no income she was homeless for a period of time and found the best places to sleep was in the richer neighbourhoods e.g Kensington and Chelsea. She was never lonely though because she had her beloved dog Milo to keep her company. Milo was a stunning dog and Maddie would often enter him into beauty pageants for dogs however for some reason he never won. Strange? obviously rigged.

 Strange? obviously rigged

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This went on for many years until finally Maddie's luck and life all changed. It was your usual Thursday, Maddie had gone dumpster diving for this weeks shopping, Milo by her side. The pair had began to head home, walking past the big houses in the rich neighbourhoods as they made their way back to Maddie's little cardboard accommodation. It was as they were walking past one of the most elegant houses in this part of the neighbourhood that Milo decided he needed a toilet break. "For fuck sake Milo you cannot shit in this neighbourhood I have no bags to clean up , I'll get fined you stupid dog" Maddie shouted at Milo. Milo whimpered, the dog had to go now.

"Fine!"Maddie screamed. Maddie had noticed that the owner of this house had left their gates open to their front garden. " Quickly Milo go shit in there" Maddie told the dog. The pair quietly made there way there and milo did his business up one of owners golden statues. " Great lets go before some sees us and I end up in jail again" Maddie explained.

As Maddie and Milo reached the Golden gates and began to make their way out they heard someone begin to shout from behind them " Stop you Utter imbeciles!!". " Nah fuck this I'm outta here" Maddie shouted and her and Milo ran for it. Milo got past the gates however just as Maddie had reached them they shut. A man grabbed Maddie spinning her around to face him. "You Vandalist you .. you.." the old man began to stutter. " You'll work" he said as he grabbed Maddie and pulled her into the house. That was the last and final time Maddie ever saw Milo :(

(Milo after escaping)
"Get your hands off me you freak" Maddie screamed as he pulled her into the house. "Shut up" the man replied. He dragged her into the house and the door slammed behind them. "Theodore !......Theodore!" the old guy screamed. A young gentleman ran down the stairs. "she will be fine i guess" Theodore said as he stood at the bottom of the stairs facing the pair. " perfect " the old fella replied and dragged Maddie further into to his office with Theodore following behind.

 " perfect " the old fella replied and dragged Maddie further into to his office with Theodore following behind

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The door shut to the guys office and Maddie was told to sit down in a chair. The old bloke introduced himself as Henry the XXXVVVIII, he was a billionaire. Henry sat himself inform of the desk facing Maddie, Theodore beside him as he began to explain to Maddie why he had dragged her in here. " My son Theodore is my oldest and dearest son, he is the heir to my fortune and my many companies. Theodore however unfortunately is not a women magnet so is a lonely poor soul" Henry explained. "I'll keep it simple homeless girl, Marry my son so he's not an embarrassment anymore to my family and you can have as much as my fortune as you desire". "ummmm.... I'm fine with that I guess" Maddie replied, and the rest was History.

Maddie no longer became homeless and moved in with Theodore. They got married shortly before his father passed and some how ended up with their only son, Theodore the 3rd. The two however over the years began to despise eachother and the pair rarely spoke despite the having a son. Maddie despite being Theodore the 3rd's Mother depsied him too due to his uncanny resemblance to his father. It was a rare occasion to see the pair together and not arguing.

Which Brings us back to present moment.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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