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It was the last day at secondary school, a hot summer gaze shone across the green field as flocks of leavers wished each other well. Pictures were taken for memories but nothing could amount to what had happened over the last 5 years. It had been fucking mad and Maddie,Megan,Eva&Rowan were glad to be leaving. Finally. After 5 long years of being held in a prison like school it was over. "Thank fuck for that" Maddie shouted as the group sat on the field (as they had had their bench taken away for the 4th time for breaking it ) for the last time. " I don't think I'll miss this place much ". The day went on and the leavers assembly came to an end which had people in floods of tears, hugging each other and saying their final goodbyes. The group all hugged each other which was beyond unusual and wished each other well knowing they would all be going in different directions of life. They promised to contact each other after they had all finished study, and as they walked out the gate for the last time it felt like life had finally began for the four of them. Oh how they were so wrong

Four unfortunate livesWhere stories live. Discover now