Chapter 5 - Meeting Maddie

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After hours at the bar and drinks upon drinks everyone agreed that it was time to go home. Megan was to drunk to stand and was being carried by Jamie, Eve's Husband. Everyone else was tipsy but still could stand. " Let's grab something to eat and make our way back home" Rowan suggested, everyone agreed and the group began making their way towards the train station. As the walked past the London nightlife Eve was relieved to finally be back with her old friends and making new memories together however one thing was still bugging her about this reunion- there was one missing person.Maddie.

Eve remembered her well and never knew what Maddie would end up doing. She could be dead for all she knew and most likely was,Eve thought. But she still had Megan and Rowan so that was enough.she had had a great evening with them and so cheered herself up and walked faster to join up with  the group.

Megan , a bottle of whiskey in one hand and her guitar in the other, was being carried by eves husband ,Jamie,who seemed kind of pissed off that he had been elected to be the one to drag her back to her caravan site. "Fucking kidss" Megan said,her words slurred " fucking wish I had married Spencèr Reed,Niels brother".

They made it to the train station and after a couple of debates about which one they all had to get they finally got on the train. They boarded the correct train and it began moving. They arrived at the first stop to let a blonde women a child and what seemed like her husband on. The man was dressed in a suit which looks as if it had been tailored just for him the child who was a spitting image on the dad also wore a suit and a briefcase in his hand. The women however was dressed quite differently to the 2 and was in jogging bottoms a West Ham football top and her hair was all knotted. "What a strange match" Rowan whispered to Eve they both nodded in agreement and the train halted as it began to move again.

Ten minutes into the arrival of the couple and child and the child had began talking to his father. " Dearest father may I request a beverage before bed tonight?" The man chuckled in a strangely posh accent that none of the group had ever heard off. " Why don't your ask your mother ?". The boy shook his head relentlessly a look of fear on his face. " oh father please no" "go on "the man replied nudging the boy toward the women. She was sat their headphones in listening to what sounded like Amy Winehouse. " Mother dearest " the boy said standing only inches away from the women. " I have come here to request if I may have a beverage before set to down tonight". He said. " Um no. Fucking make it yourself lazy bastard" the women swiftly replied.

The group couldn't help but laugh this women sounded nothing like the two and had more of a  Londerners accent on her, it was clear the relationship between these two was strange. "Maddie that is no way to speak to our son" The man shouted. The women replied by rolling her eyes.

That's when it clicked in Rowans mind. "Eve!" She whispered nudging her in her side. "Eve!" "Wtf" eve said turning round to face Rowan. 10/12/20

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