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Viox sighed softly, it had reached about evening time outside, as the sun had begun to lower, Mr. Diluc had left to attend the Tavern for the night, of course tonight was that Knights drink for free. So he had to leave early, walking past her office, sending a small barely there smile her way, before heading out the main doors. Viox thought about leaving with him, but she knew that one the guards on the switching shift would walk home with her. Carefully she packed up the important parchments away, grabbing her coat off the rack, she headed out. Joseph, one of the guards, offered to walk with her, as they were heading to the same place, "Didn't forget your Mora right Miss Viox?" he asked as they headed down the road, "Of course not, I'll buy your first two drinks as you are walking me home." Viox smiled at the guard, who chuckled, "I'll hold you to it, Miss Viox." he said. Viox nodded, "But of course Mr. Joseph!" she said with a chuckle as their 20 minutes walk winded down, as they entered the front gates of Mondstadt, turning to the right towards the Tavern, she could already hear the noise volume of the rowdy Knights of Favonius. They had unpacked a larger then life case about a murder in Mondstadt. They had caught the person and sent them to the Cells. So they were celebrating the victory. Viox smiled at Joseph, who opened the door for her, as the Tavern was crowded, the two had managed a spot at the bar next to Diluc, who stood with a solid face, but his eyes read, why must there be so much noise, Viox chuckled lightly as he handed her apple juice, seeing since she wanted to start off easy for tonight, if the crowd got too much, she would order the Sunsettia Wine, which was the strongest the Winery brewed. She sipped on her juice as Joseph ordered a Dandelion Wine, "Miss Viox, do you know that Knight over there?" he asked after they had sat there for 40 minutes. Viox perked up and looked over to where Joseph pointed, a group of well dressed men sat at the largest table, the one with dark blue hair and the eyepatch stared at her, his blue pink eye wasn't glaring, nor staring at her with hate, more of keen interest. One of his buddies whispered into his ear, as he pulled away, chuckling and shaking his head. That's when Viox heard one of the drunks stumble up to the eyepatch man, "500 Mora you can't get Miss Viox." he said slamming his fist on the table, "I've been trying to get that woman to be my bride since she became of age, she's denied every man that walks in Monstat!" he grumbled, the man laughed, "Normally I wouldn't take such a bet, but now you have me intrigued. 20k Mora, I can get her into my bed tonight." his voice sent a shiver down her spine, she blinked at the bet in place, looking over to Diluc, who was talking with another Knight, they were discussing wines and ale. Viox sighed as her only way out was busy with business. She sipped on her drink as she felt a cool presence next to her, "Nice to meet you Miss Viox..." his voice was like drinking cold water, she kinda liked the sound, "Knight." she replied tightly, not looking at the man, "Quiet type? Or just uninterested in small talk?" he asked her, "Both, I prefer to drink my drinks in silence." she rose an eyebrow looking at the man, his hair was throw into a side pony as an eyepatch covered his left eye, now that he was sitting next to her, she could see his right eye wasn't blue and pink, it was blue and a milky white, his pupil was in a cross instead of a normal circle that most everyone had. She felt that same shiver run down her back, she felt her baby hairs stand up on the back of her neck. She didn't feel scared with him, but she didn't like the fickling feelings bubbling up. "So how about, you come over to my house tonight and we can get to know each other a little better?" he asked her, as she raised an eyebrow, "Uninterested." she replied, going back to her drink, the man was shocked to say the least, "I see...well, if you change your mind after a few drinks, I am Sir Kaeya of the Knights of Favonius." that name perked her interest, "Sir Kaeya you say? As in the Knight who has yet to choose a bride?" she asked looking at him, he chuckled, "The very same, I haven't found a woman of interest, most are what you'd say...bland to the palate." he commented, Viox nodded, "I can understand that, most aren't fill with trauma and scars." she said as she could feel Diluc's hot red eyes on her skin. He knew about her dream, she had told him one morning after they had spent it together, he had woken her from her restless state, she had told him about that day, and how she refuses to go near the lakefront.

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