Amoura (Extra Chapter)

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Amoura stretched out as a yawn left his mouth. He blinked slowly as he stood up and gave his body a good shaking before walking over to his food dish. His owner, Kaeya Alberich, seemed to be a little busy this morning, as he dressed before Miss Viox, his owner’s Courted. Normally Miss Viox was up before Kaeya, but today was different. Kaeya was dressed in his normal Knight outfit as Amoura watched his owner give Viox a kiss on her forehead, before leaning down to pet his head, “Watch over her while im gone today Amoura.'' Kaeya said gently as Amoura gently rubbed his nose against Kaeya’s palm. Of course he would watch over Miss Viox! He laid down next to the bed, as he watched Kaeya send another loving glance at Miss Viox’s sleeping form. Amoura didn't quite understand why his Owner was in love, in fact he didn't understand love all that much. 
    As time passed, Miss Viox had woken to get ready for her day, she of course gave him lots of hugs and kisses as she got ready, “Oh! You need to be let out for the day!” Miss Viox said as Amoura barked in agreement. Miss Viox opened the door as he darted outside to do his business and as he was finishing up he heard Kaeya’s voice from across the way. Amoura walked over as he saw his owner talking with another female. Amoura didn't know this person as he walked over, and sat next to Kaeya’s feet. “I need it done by the end of tomorrow, think you can do that?” Kaeya asked as the woman nodded, “It’s a simple design, so it’ll be easy for me to complete, are you really planning on asking her?” she asked as Kaeya looked like he was beaming with pride, “Of course, she means more to me than anything, well her and Amoura.” he said as he reached down and petted the dog. Amoura wagged his tail at the treatment. He was thrilled at the attention. “Well i hope she says yes then, it would be a shame if she says no.” the other woman said as Kaeya chuckled weakly, “It wouldn't be a great feeling i’ll say that.” he said as the two said their goodbyes, “Come on Amoura, it looks like your with me today doesn't it, I have a another place to stop by before i head out to collect a few more things in Springvale. Let's head over the smithy, I have to check up on something.” he said as Amoura got up to follow. It was odd that his owner was out and about getting odd things. This filled Amoura’s curiosity more as he walked alongside Kaeya. After a few moments and some small talk with the Smithy. Kaeya headed out towards Springvale. Amoura right at his side. “Amoura, how would you feel if I asked Viox?” he asked as Amoura wagged his tail, not understanding what he ment. Kaeya grinned, “Just think of it...she would have my last name. She would wear a gorgeous dress and we would hold it at the Cathedral.” Kaeya said as Amoura barked, “She would walk down the alis and then we would be wedded!” he said as Amoura titled his head, His owner wanted to wed Miss Viox? But how would that work? He sure seemed to love her, Amoura guessed as they walked along the path. 


    “Captain Kaeya!” a local gardener called out as Kaeya and Amoura walked up to the gate, “Afternoon Mackie, I heard you and Flora have been working on a Gaze Lily patch and wanted to see if any were in bloom?” he asked as Amoura sat down. He learned that Gaze Lilies made Miss Viox very happy as the 3 months she had been living with his owner proved that, as Kaeya had someone paint a Gaze Lily for a decor piece in the living room. It really thrilled Miss Viox that day. “We had the first 50 bloom yesterday, how many do you think you need?” Mackie asked as Kaeya gave his answer, Mackie raised his brows, “20? Can I ask why there are so many?” as Kaeya grinned, “Well there for Miss Viox.” he said as Mackie blinked, “Miss Viox? Really? You're Courted? What a special gal.” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Alright, make sure you pay Flora and I’ll get them down to her tomorrow at dawn.” He said as Kaeya nodded, “Sounds like a deal. Thank you Mackie.” he said as he walked away. 
    Amoura was starting to get some of the picture as they walked back towards Mondstadt, “Amoura it’s all settling into place.” Kaeya said as they headed over the bridge. Kaeya smiled as Amoura thought about the first time he had met Miss Viox. She had come to their home smelling like she had been in the healers unit, Kaeya would sometimes come home smelling like that place, but she fully smelt like it. She was also very kind to him of course, letting him lay with her on the couch that first night. Then she was missing for a few months after she left to live in her own house, and didn't come back for a long time. Amoura remembered how Kaeya would come home drunk and be calling for her, but she never came to his aid. He cried a lot, Amoura remembered how Kaeya would sit at the large window in the living room with a piece of paper in his hands as he quietly cried. Amoura never understood till the red haired man named Diluc showed up one day and then the man dropped him off at Razor’s home for training. He didn't come home till a week later to check up on Amoura, and see how training was going. Then something happened and Amoura was taken to a large building to sniff out some bad guys. After that was a blur for Amoura. He couldn't remember much, but Miss Viox came back, and Kaeya was happy again. 
    “Come on Amoura, we have to get dinner started, Viox should be back soon from work.” Kaeya called as Amoura rushed inside the home, he would worry about things later, for now, he would protect the home he loved. 

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