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Viox coughed as she and Kaeya rushed through the burning streets of Mondstadt. Every corner they turned was another blocked way, the main street was completely barricaded, as more barrels of wine were stacked up in a circle, "Shit." Kaeya muttered under his breath as he tried to find a way out. This was a well planned attack, Viox coughed harder as she tried covering her mouth and nose from the smoke, her lungs were still damaged from when her house went up in flames, so the smoke was irritating her throat. Kaeya looked over at her with worry, "Viox?" He asked softly as she waved him off, "I'll be fine, let's just get out of here!" She said to him, as he nodded, pulling her along, she followed right behind, as Kaeya looked around through the thick smoke and the flames. They turned a corner as Kaeya swore, tackling Viox to the rock covered streets as another barrel exploded. The wood shards hitting Kaeya's back and their legs. "That was close." Kaeya said as he helped Viox back up, "Definitely not that way." He said as they hurried back into the center. "Kaeya what about your Vision?" Viox asked as Kaeya shook his head, "No can do, it would do more damage than good, especially since whatever is in the wine isn''s not right." Kaeya looked at some of the thick wine like liquid. "That's because it's not wine." A voice sounded out, "It's a type of explosion jelly. I stole the recipe from a little Knight named Klee. What a darling girl to let me borrow it." The voice said again as Kaeya pushed Viox behind him. Viox gasped, "Miss Fruitia!" She shouted over the roaring flames as the person clapped, "Ah, I see you figured it out. Though Fruitia is only my first name." The woman said. Kaeya glared, "You attacked Viox." He stated, "For personal gain? Or out of jealousy?" He rose a brow, as Fruitia smiled, "All the reasons. See Viox has something I want, and I've wanted for years!" She spat as Viox felt Kaeya tense, "She has YOU! ALL THESE YEARS I'VE BEEN NEXT TO YOU AND YOU NEVER NOTICED ME KAEYA!" Fruitia lashed out. Viox watched in horror as Fruitia snapped her fingers and the flames grew higher. "Now I'll kill her." She said as Kaeya was tackled to the ground by a man, another grabbed Viox and ripped her from her spot. "Kaeya!" Viox screamed as Kaeya grunted against the men holding his arms, "Viox! Stay calm!" He told her as she let out a cough, it shook her whole frame as Kaeya watched Viox scum into a coughing fit. He quickly snapped his fingers as ice formed around Viox, some gathered in his hand as he smirked at the men holding him, "Let's dance." He said as he slapped his hands on their chests, freezing the spots and pulling away. They screamed in pain as the ice spread, Kaeya smirked as they tried tearing the ice off, receiving some serious frostbite. He snapped as more grew around their feet as he moved, ducking under a blow from another man, as he gathered an ice shard in his hand, forming it into a blade and slashing the man's side, blood spurted from the wound as the man screamed, holding his side. Kaeya moved again as two more rushed him. He snapped as ice grew on the stoney ground, causing the two to slip and fall. Letting Kaeya slide. He was careful. His eye darted around, he had officially taken down three out of the twenty. He let out a small breath as he calmed himself down. Concentrating on the goal of getting out of here alive. Getting Viox out alive. She was walled off for now, but how long could he keep the men distracted from her? He ducked another blow as he bounced back on his toes. Keeping posed as he watched the men close in on his blind spots. He relaxed his pose and gripped his ice made sword, "Tango anyone?" He asked, his tone was cold as the men laughed. "I'll handle the Knight. Get the girl, Fruitia wants her dead if possible." One spoke up, a large hammer in his hand. "Can't get through the ice without getting frostbite." One spoke up as some had touched the icy cage that Viox sat in. Hissing at the cold burning their hands. Kaeya smirked, "Just a little gift is all." He commented as Hammer lunged for him, he thanked the Seven that he was fast in dodging away from the heavy hitter. He snapped as ice shards hit the hammer, freezing it to the ground. "Too slow!" He called as he slashed another man down, his blade tearing into their side. Fifteen more... Kaeya counted as he hit another, counting as he took three more to the grave. His ears picked up Viox as her raspy coughs continued. She wasn't in a good spot.

Viox coughed harder as she held a hand to her mouth. That's when she felt the splatter. Pulling away she saw small flecks of blood in her palm. That wasn't good at all. As she looked through the small cracks of ice around her, the sounds of fighting reached her. Kaeya was incredibly fast as he took down five men already, he was sweating a little under the heat but he continued to fight. Viox watched as Fruitia made a face before darting in a direction. "KAEYA!" Viox screamed as he looked towards her, "SHE GETTING AWAY!" She shouted at him as Kaeya nodded. Flipping a man over his back and darting towards Viox, "Can I trust you to get out?" He asked her, as she nodded. He quickly broke the ice and blocked an attack, "Go! That's the way out, get the Knights! Go!" He roared at her as Viox raced away. Kaeya watched for a moment as he moved away from the Hammer once more. Cutting down two more men who tried to give chase after Viox. His ice shards dug deep into their slowly moving chests as he moved again. He was running out of space to dodge. "Looks like the mouse has ran out if space." The Hammer called out as he swung again, this time nicking Kaeya's ankle as Kaeya moved, he tumbled to the ground, as his ice sword shattered. Kaeya grunted as he felt the air race past his head, the hammer had lodged itself next to his face. "Looks like I'll be praised for being able to take down the third strongest Knight in all of Mondstadt." Hammer chuckled gleefully, as Kaeya smirked, "If you have the chance." He snapped his fingers as ice shards dug into the man's leg, growing from their spots as Hammed roared in pain, giving Kaeya a spare moment to get away, pausing to control the waves of pain, racing up his leg. He didn't have time to focus on his injury. As the most from the last ten remaining charged at him. He readied himself as a flash of light dashed past his vision. Knights had appeared. He smiled, Viox had got to them in just enough time. He snapped as more ice shards flung into the chest of another man. The other Knights took down the other nine, one by one as Amber slid over to him. "Kaeya! Are you okay? Any injuries?" She asked, helping him to his feet, Kaeya hissed as his left leg gave out, "Ankle might be shattered. He got me good." Kaeya replied as they limped past the wreckage of barrels and wood. His eyes roamed the crowd as he started to worry, where was Viox?

Her feet pounded on the stone ground as she broke through the weakest part of the fire. She felt the heat lock some of her old wounds as she let out a yelp of pain, stumbling to the ground, hitting hard, before sliding to a stop, she felt her wounds break open as she screamed. The pain shook her to the core as she pushed herself up. Letting out another ear splitting scream of help.

She limped out of the alley way and by the front gate. A large crowd had gathered as she fell in front of them. "VIOX!" Violet screamed as Viox felt her body move, "Kaeya...fighting...he's still in there!" Viox panted out as Knights rushed to clear the flames. "We'll get him. He's the best Knight around, we'll get him out." Violet soothed her sibling. Cradling the other against her chest as Viox broke into another coughing fit. Violet sighed with relief as the flames went out. The Knights shouted as someone pulled someone from the wreckage. Violet smiled as Kaeya limped towards the group. He looked worried, as he leaned on Amber. "Where is she? Where's Viox? Is she alright?" He asked on repeat as a Knight helped walk him over to Violet. Kaeya saw the twins and rushed over as fast as he could on his hurt leg. Kaeya stumbled onto his knees, pulling Viox in his arms, hugging her close, "Thank the Seven." He whispered. Viox sighed softly in relief as she hugged back. They were safe. 

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