Ludi Harpastum

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Crowds roared loudly as Knights sparred in a ring, as the smells of fresh cooked foods and wines entered Viox's nose. Her ears rang as the crowds cheered more. It was only the 3rd day of Ludi Harpastum and the Festival was in full swing. Kaeya had gone to go find a shady spot so they could eat some lunch, as Viox waited. She was next to the sparring ring that apparently the Knights set up each year for this festival in general. She wore a simple white off the shoulder shirt and a black flowing skirt that reached her ankles. Her feet were covered by a pair of black flats. Her hair was loose around her shoulders as she smiled at the kids that played Knights across the way. Her attention was drawn back to the Knights sparring ring as a familiar name was called out. "Next up in the ring! Cavalry Captain Kaeya!" the announcer shouted over the crowd as Viox rose a brow, as she shoved her way to the front. Her eyes caught sight of her courted being dragged into the ring, "KAEYA!" she called as Kaeya turned to look at her. His eye were wide with worry, "Viox!" he called out as she smirked, "What happened to finding shade?" she asked loudly as Kaeya smiled, "I was dragged into this!" he said back as Viox laughed, "Win for me!" she screamed as his challenger entered the ring. Kaeya tipped his head at her as he was tossed a wooden sword. His opponent was Violet. Viox gasped, "VIOLET?!" she called out as her sister smiled at her, "Watch me take down your courted!" her sister yelled back as a body moved next to her. Viox looked up and saw that it was Diluc, "Did you know about this?" she called over the crowd as Diluc shook his head. "Ready Ice man?" Violet called over the crowd. Kaeya smirked, "Flower girl." as Violet gasped, "You didn't!" she screamed as she held her wooden sword out in front of her, "Now it's on Eye patch!" she growled out as Kaeya chuckled, "And here I thought you'd go easy." he said as he rushed her hard. His sword clashing with Violets. Violet felt her feet slip at the pressure, she glared as she twisted her foot to the right and slipped out of the hold. Kaeya stumbled lightly as he swung backwards, his sword landing against Violet's once more. "Shit." Violet hissed as Kaeya smirked, "Not having time to think much Flower?" he teased as Violet glared more. Twisting around fully, Violet backed up a few paces as Kaeya chuckled, "Still can't match my speed yet?" he asked her as Violet took a breath, "Nobody but Jean can keep up with your speed Eye patch." She called as the crowd roared. Kaeya smirked as he disappeared from Violet's line of sight. She swore as she darted forward, just barely missing Kaeya's wooden blade.


Viox cheered on both fighters as Diluc smiled behind his hand, watching Violet fight against Kaeya and keeping up enough. He was impressed. Viox cheered harder as Violet blocked another attack. That's when Viox watched as Kaeya tripped Violet out of the ring. It had happened so fast, Kaeya had purposely fought to push her out of the ring instead of it being a real fighting match. The announcer signaled that Kaeya was the winner as he helped Violet up, as she shoved him playfully and thanked him for the match. Viox smiled as she waited for Kaeya to make his victory lap around the ring, as he stopped in front of Viox, "Miss Viox." he said gently as Viox blushed, "Captain Kaeya." she said as she extended her hand for him, Kaeya gently lifted her hand to his mouth as he kissed the back of it, smirking as he pulled away. Viox giggled as she saw all the glares at her. She smiled warmly as the announcer said that was the last battle till later in the night. The crowd slowly trickled away as Viox waited for Kaeya. He jumped over the railing of the ring and took Viox's hand. "Come on. You've been in the sun for much too long." he said as Viox followed him to a cool, shady spot. He helped the other to sit, and sat down himself. Viox smiled, "Did you have fun?" she asked as Kaeya laid flat on his back, "Most fun in years." he said as Viox leaned back on her hands, looking up through the tree branches and leaves. Viox smiled brightly as she felt Kaeya's hand touch hers. "Anything planned for the rest of the Festival?" Viox asked as Kaeya hummed lightly, "I have something planned for the last day, but for now nothing else, why do you ask?" he asked as Viox laid down, so she was next to him, "I wanted to go dancing again with you." she said as Kaeya nodded, "We can do that." he said as Viox smiled more, "Great!" she said as she got up and pulled Kaeya up to his feet as well, "We have to get ready!" she said as Kaeya rose a brow, "Get ready?"


Viox had changed into a simple dancer's dress, the fabric hugged the small curves that Viox had. It was a white velvet cloth with gold trimmings. She looked over at Kaeya, who in turn wore a puffy pirate-like shirt with his regular jeans and boots. His vision dangled at his hip. Viox frowned lightly. "What's wrong?" Kaeya asked as Viox reached up and touched her bare neck, "My vision is still missing...nobody has found it under the Manor's rubble yet. I miss it." she said softly as Kaeya nodded, "Im sure itll turn up soon though." he said as the bards started playing, a small tune. He perked up, he knew this dance! "Come on, let's have fun now and worry later?" he said gently tugging Viox's hand into the square. Viox smiled lightly as Kaeya pulled her into a simple slow waltz. The melody was so easy, but Viox had yet to hear this tune before, "Is this a normal song for Ludi Harpastum?" she asked as Kaeya nodded, "It's for those who wish to be courted to one another, or for couples in general." he explained as he pulled Viox a little closer. Viox smiled as he grinned at her. They danced slowly but soon the slow melody melted away, as a more upbeat one played. Viox grinned, You better take it from me! That boy is like a disease. You're running' and trying' and trying' to hide, And you're wondering why you can't get free! He's like a curse; he's like a drug! You get addicted to his love! You wanna get out, but he's holding you down! 'Cause you can't live without one more touch!" she sang loudly as Kaeya smirked, he knew what she was doing as she twirled about. Drawing in a large crowd with her voice aloud, the dancing was just an added bonus. Kaeya swallowed his laughter as she walked over to him, "He's a good time cowboy Casanova! Leaning up against the wall! He looks like a cool drink of water! But he's candy-coated misery! He's the devil in disguise! A snake with blue eyes! And he only comes out at night! Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight! You better run for your life!" She sang as she placed her hand on his chest as Kaeya looked down at the pink haired woman. She was teasing him. He rolled his eye at her as she smirked.


Viox yawned softly as she sat next to Kaeya on his couch. She was so tired after singing and dancing around the square. She enjoyed herself though. She carefully snuggled up more to Kaeya's form as she felt her eyes flutter close. Kaeya carefully moved to lay on the couch as Amoura went to lay in his spot on the floor near the door. Viox adjusted herself so that way she was laying on top of Kaeya's chest as he pulled a blanket over both of them. "I had fun today." she said as Kaeya grunted in agreement. Today was much needed for the couple as they settled down for the night. 

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