A "short" story

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"Bacca, are you sure about this?" A boy questioned to his friend Bacca. "What? The invitation seems legit. Besides, the invitation was sent by Steven, the smartest person in the whole country; at least that's what he said," Bacca replied back to his friend Edge. "He's right Edge; Bacca does know what he's doing and we can trust Steven" A girl named Gwen was on Bacca's side, even if he is correct or incorrect. "Fine, as long as there are beautiful ladies in there, I'm in- OW!" Edge yelled. "You better not say that ever again Edge!" A girl named Penny yelled at Edge. "Whatever, so is this really the place?" "Totally, this is the place." "But Bacca, it's Elsa's castle." Edge was correct, it was a castle made of ice and snow. You could even see Olaf in the distance hugging a furnace. "Wow," Gwen said, "Looks like Olaf loves warm objects!" "Yeah, he must really want to get a death wish," Edge thought to himself. "Oh, I see how we got lost and arrived here; I read the invitation upside down!" "WHAT?! ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!" they all exclaimed at him. "Sorry, sheesh. Okay let's go!" They turned around and started heading north.

"How long is this trip going to take?" Penny asked Bacca. "We're almost there, just one more minute." "Bacca?" "Yes?" "Why are we riding on camels in Canada?" "Why not?" They were traveling north to the area where Steven told them to go. Hopefully Bacca knows where he's going. "I do know where I'm going!" "Just leave the narrator alone.'' "Fine, but I'm watching you narrator....Always watching..." Wow, drama king! "Look guys," Edge yelled out, "There it is! It's a gate to somewhere. It looks like there's a line for a restaurant that sells burgers! Are we in the right place Bacca?" "No, that's just the upgraded McDonald's." "Can we stop at least to eat a burger?" "No." "Please?" "No!" "But it's McDonald's!" "We'll eat when we get to the party," "Forget that, I'm out!" He got off his camel and ran to the McDonald's. "No Edge! It's a trap!" Gwen exclaimed at him. Of course, Gwen was right.

When Edge opened the gates and a swarm of beautiful young teenage girls went up to him and started hugging him. He was so amazed by how many girls were hugging him and saying "Hi," in a beautiful tone. He started laughing joyfully. Suddenly, he had a bloody nose nuclear bomb. He blasted off in to the sky yelling, "NOOOO, DON'T LEAVE ME LADIES!!!!" And that's when a new star was made. They call it the "Pervert Star"; which was named by Bacca. "Yeah, that's Edge for you.""Let's head back to our town,""But what about Edge?""Don't worry about him; this is fictional story, not a biography story." You're right Bacca." Let's go back." They got off their camels and sneaked into a plane that was flying to Noden Town and took off.

"Man I'm beat; let's go back to my place." "Okay!" Gwen and Penny exclaimed at once. It was night time and you could still see blood falling from the sky. They were pretty tired after flying off a plane. They also had to jump off because a man high jacked the plane and was causing 9/11 all over again. The plane crashed into the ocean and a tv series called, "Lost Again", was made. "Okay," Bacca started talking, "What should we do now? Should play video games? Watch movies or anime? Maybe watch Just Call Me X, Pewdiepie, or Game Grumps on youtube? The suggestion are endless! So which one you guys?" "Let's play a game called Putting a bag over your head and taking you somewhere secret!" they replied at the same time again, "Ready? Set? Kidnap!" They placed a bag over his head and dragged him to the secret area.

"OUT OF THE BAG BACCA!" a strange voice yelled at him. Bacca got out of the bag and said, " We could have played something else like Monopoly or Gmod!" "SILENCE, YOU FILTHY IDIOT!! BOW DOWN TO YOUR NEW MASTER!" "And who are you?" The stranger looked like Samus, but with a Darth Vader voice. "HOW DOES THY NOT KNOW WHO I AM?! MY NAME IS MASTER S., THE GREATEST VILLIAN IN THE UNIVERSE!" "Can you at least stop yelling?" "SILENCE CAVE MAN!!!" "Who are you calling Cave Man? You're the weird cosplayer here! This isn't a Super Smash Bros. Tournament!" "SHUT UP!!!" He whiped Bacca with a whip like Indiana Jones. He looked at Penny and Gwen and yelled in pain, "WHY AREN'T YOU TWO HELPING?" "Because..." they took off their costumes. They weren't Gwen and Penny; they were two twenty-five year old women named, Eva and Wendy. "We are spys that work for Master S., the greatest man of all time." They turned to him and bowed down to him chanting, "Master S. is the better then the rest, Master S. is better then the rest..." "Well, you did do a good job kidnapping me, but you forgot one minor idea. Why did nobody handcuffed me?" Bacca sprange out into action and ran towards Master S., the greatest villian in the universe. "Hey," Bacca yelled out, " Why did the cosplayer not make it to Comic Con?!" "Why?!" Master S. replied. "Because he got his mask chopped off and people saw his real face that looked like an ogre!" Bacca made his hand into a karate hand and karate chopped the master's mask. "Haha, got you! Wait, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me Steven. You can stop laughing now. SHUT UP!" Steven yelled in an angry way. "Um, no one is making fun of you. You're just over reacting." Bacca said in a calm tone. "Why did you invite us?" "I don't know. I thought I could try murdering someone, but that failed miserably. Anyway, want some pizza?" "Sure!" "HEY!" Eva and Wendy exclaimed at the same time," WE THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!!" Bacca said," Why would we do that? Shouldn't we all be friends and act like My Little Pony fans? We could always yell 'Friendship is magical' and fly to the sunset." Steven agreed with Bacca and they left towards the sunset. "Yep, they're gay." Wendy thought to herself. "Wait, is it not midnight?" "They're going to China in order to go towards the sunset." They both took a deep breath and joined them for pizza.

Author's Note:
Yo! Sorry this isn't the chapter you all have been waiting for. I just made this during school and thought, "Hey, I need to make sure I don't lose readers. Why don't I just make a chapter during school! Genius Bacca strikes again!" And so I typed it at my place. The chapters are still "under construction", but they will be posted soon. Just give me time. Alright I'm done here. Peace

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