A normal day of Penny

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"Sure looks like a great day to ride my horse," Penny said, looking outside her window. She went outside and got her horse named Butthole. Butthole was a lovely horse; she was white with an orange Afro. Many people mistaken her horse as a Ginger kid who had body problems. But Penny didn't care, since anyone who said that was shot on sight.

Anyway, she got on Butthole and rode her throughout the neighborhood. She could see everything going on inside her neighbor's homes. She saw one of her neighbors start to make brownies; another one was watching television; and the one in front of her house was having sex with the window opened. Penny looked away quickly in order to keep herself clean, even though Edge already ruined it. Penny looked at Butthole, "Let's go Butthole, let's see how Bacca is doing." Butthole nodded and trotted towards Bacca's house.

A few minutes later, they arrived at Bacca's house and trotted around it. Penny sent a message to Bacca, "Yo, are you home?" "Yeah, why?" "Don't worry about it, just come out." "But I don't wanna, it's too much work.." " Do it, I'll give you something." "What?" "Whatever you want!" "Okay, I'll be out in a few minutes." "Sweet!" Penny put away her phone and waited with Butthole. It was getting a bit cloudy, but Penny didn't care. Suddenly, a stranger came outside of the house and yelled, "Who the hell are you?!"

Penny got off her horse, "Sorry, I'm just waiting for a friend of mine." "I don't care what you're here for, just get off my property!" "Can't I just wait a little bit more?" "Do you not understand me? I'll show you in sign language!" The stranger flipped off Penny with both hands. Penny was too shocked to say something. The stranger then pointed to the road, "Get off my lawn..." Penny walked away, still shocked after what happened. Butthole went up to the stranger and kicked him right in the balls. The man screamed in pain, but the horse heard nothing. Butthole kicked him in the face, then the balls, then the face, then the balls, and repeated this process for several minutes. After a few minutes, the man died. "Fatality," Butthole thought to herself.

Penny, still shocked, looked at Butthole. "Thank you Butthole!" Penny gave Butthole a hug. Butthole neighed with joy. Penny got on her back and rode away. After they left, Bacca went outside and found the man dead.The weather went from sunny to cloudy and rainy. The rain dropped on the body and you could hear the rain hitting the brain. Bacca got on his knees, "NOOOO, HE WAS THE CREATOR OF THE DRAGON BALL FRANCHISE!" Bacca stood up with the eyes of a murderer. He smiled, "I shall avenge you, Akira Toriyama." He walked in the direction that Penny went.

"Okay Butthole, let's take a break." She got off the horse and went towards a tree. She sat down and took a nap for an hour. When she woke up, it was raining and and she had gotten all wet. "Damn it, I thought it was going to be a sunny day," Penny looked up at the sky, " What the hell God? Why did you make it rain?" God replied, "Um Penny, hasn't your teacher taught you about rain?" "Yes, but I don't believe in science! Now, make it sunny again or else..."Suddenly, a ray of light appeared and God slowly floated down.

He wasn't the person everyone thought he was. For starters, he wasn't white. His skin was black and he was wearing a chain around his neck. He looked like Mr.T, but even more badass. God walked straight towards Penny and slapped her. He said, " Or else what? Fuck you, I'm god! I can do whatever the hell I want! I'll show you." He pointed his finger at Butthole, when all of a sudden, Butthole was struck by lightning. Butthole fell down, but she got back up. Lightning struck her yet again, and again, and again, and 14 strikes later she was paralyzed. But it wasn't over yet! God then carried Butthole to the middle of the road and laid her there. Suddenly, ten trucks and cars ran her over and,for some reason, so did Rudolph. Then, God carried Butthole back to Penny.

"And now, you can't ride her anymore! She is forever paralyzed and you must live with that," God walked a few feet away from the two and looked back. He flipped them off and started to sing, "I'm black y'all, and I'm black y'all...." And he kept singing until he went back to where he came from. Penny looked at Butthole with tears in her eyes. "Oh Butthole..." Penny started to cry for minutes. Butthole couldn't do anything, she was paralyzed and a horse. Then, out of nowhere, Bacca shows up and sees them. Bacca ran towards them yelling, "Penny!" Penny looked up with tears in her eyes, "Bacca? What are you doing here?" Bacca stood in front of her, "Are you okay?" Penny nodded. "Oh great!" Bacca smiled, "Now remember when you sent me the message saying you'll give something to me?" Penny nodded again. "Well, I was just wondering if you can give me your horse..." Penny looked at Bacca. She nodded, "You can... But do me a favor," She started to cry again, "Please take good care of Butthole for me!" Bacca saluted to Penny, "Aye! You can count on me!" He dragged Butthole to the nearest bus station and left. Penny got up and looked at the sky, "Fuck you God, I'm changing my religion!"

A few hours later, Bacca invited the gang over for dinner

"Alright everyone, I would like to say something!" Bacca stood up and looked at Edge, Steven, Gwen, and Penny. "We have all waited for this, where we each have our chapters. And now that we have achieved this goal, we can work together again and have more adventures! Cheers!" "Cheers!" Everyone replied. "Well guys, dig in!" Everyone started to eat. "Wow Bacca, this meat is really good," Penny said, " What is it?" Bacca replied, "Horse meat!" Everyone stopped eating and looked at Bacca, who was eating all of the horse meat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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