TRAITOR! (Angst)

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(A/N Italics are thoughts)


TW: Blood, Gore(?), Su!c!d3 (I think)

Jirou's POV:

Jirou fell to her knees from the pain coming from her stomach. Why would he do this? What drove this attack? "KAMINARI!," The dumbass turned his head to look at the girl clutching clutching her stomach on the ground. "Yes Jirou?," He said in the most innocent tone. "WHY THE HECK-," Jirou was cut off and started coughing, causing Kaminari to smile. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THis..?!," Her voice started to get weaker, "TO US?!," Referring to the rest of their classmates. The dunce just looked at her, "to me..?," Jirou's voice got even weaker and she started coughing again. "Jirou, Jirou, Jirou...You don't understand, do you? I'm not the only one doing this to you...don't forget...she's here too...," Jirou looked up again to see a tall woman with black hair and a ripped UA uniform. She recognised who it was immediately, "Yao-Yaomomo..?," Yaomomo, no, Yaoyorozu was holding a blade and she had blood all over her uniform. "Hello...J I R O U," Kaminari looked at Jirou for a second and then the Yaoyorozu, "You take care of her, I have other business to attend to..," He said as he walked away. Yaoyorozu had a wicked smile on her face and looked like she was ready to give a last killing blow. "W-WAIT!," Jirou yelled suddenly. The remains of UA was scattered everywhere and everything that wasn't destroyed was on fire. There was blood all over the ground and barely any of it was Jirou's. "C-can I just ask you one last question?," Suddenly, there was a spark in Yaoyorozu's eyes..Was it sadness? Remorse? She looked hesitantly at the dying girl on the floor, then finally uttered out "F-fine," Jirou smiled a bit at the answer, but then winced again from the pain "Why?," Yaoyorozu looked at her with a confused expression "Why what?," She crouched down so she could hear Jirou better, "Why did you do it? Why did you lie to them? To me?," Yaoyorozu stared at the broken girl in front of her, "I-..I d-don't need to explain myself to you!," Jirou looked down for a second, then back up to Yaoyorozu. She then smiled? Jirou had no clue what came over her, but she started smiling, "Heh....Just..finish me off...," (And the lord said let there be cringe) Yaoyorozu stood back up straight again, "W-WHAT?!," She stared at Jirou in shock. "You've killed all my friends, you've almost killed me too, so just please...please do it..," Yaoyorozu was still in shock when Jirou suddenly took Yaoyorozu's blade, (causing her hands to bleed, but she could care less) and plunged it into her chest causing blood to spill everywhere. "I love you, Yaomomo...," Then everything went dark.

(A/N Basically I'm replaying the scene, but from Yaoyorozu's perspective.)

Yaoyorozu's POV:

Yaoyorozu was fighting Mina, in between punches Mina would sometimes yell stuff like "Why are you doing this?!," or "I thought we were friends!," Honestly Yaoyorozu wasn't really listening. Eventually the taller girl managed to finish Mina off. At some point Yaoyorozu found herself listening to Kaminari talking with Jirou and decided to walk over. " me..," Yaoyorozu honestly felt a bit of pity for the girl suffering on the floor. They had become close in the years (They're in their second year) that Yaoyorozu spent with her. The black haired girl wasn't really paying attention to what was happening until she realised that Jirou tore her eyes off the ground to look a her. "Yao-Yaomomo..?," Okay, now Jirou seemed really pathetic. "Hello J I R O U," Kaminari looked at Yaoyorozu "You take care of her, I have other business to attend to..," Then he walked off. Yaoyorozu looked a Jirou with a twisted smile and held her blade tighter. "W-WAIT!," Jirou suddenly yelled. This had better be good..."C-Can I just ask you one last question?," Suddenly Yaoyorozu felt something, was it remorse? Anger? Whatever it was, it was a moment of weakness and looking at this dying girl in front of her caused her to hesitantly say "F-fine," Jirou then had a dumb smile that was quickly wiped away due to the pain in her stomach. "Why?," Yaoyorozu was confused. "Why what?," She crouched down so she could hear Jirou better. "Why did you do it? Why did you lie to them? To me?," Yaoyorozu stared at the girl for a second, not sure of what to say. She felt...bad? Jirou was her best friend while she was at UA. Jirou was the first person that she talked to at UA. She wasn't supposed to develop emotional bonds with any of the students..But she...She was different. "I-..I d-don't need to explain myself to you!," WHY THE HECK DID YOU JUST STUTTER?! Suddenly, Jirou started laughing. This bloody, dying girl was laughing in front of the person who was going to kill girl. "Heh....Just..finish me off...," Yaoyorozu stood back up straight again. Her pupils widened and started to dilate. "W-WHAT?!," The taller girl was stood in shock, having no other words. "You've killed all my friends, you've almost killed me too, so just please...please do it..," Yaoyorozu couldn't believe her ears, her best-... Ex-best friend just told her to kill her. Before she even had time to think, Jirou grabbed Yaoyorozu's blade - causing her hands to bleed - and plunged it into her chest, causing blood to spill everywhere. The last words uttered by Kyoka Jirou were "I love you Yaomomo...," Yaoyorozu looked at her blade, then the bleeding girl - still in shock. Then the black haired girl felt something wet on her cheek and touched it. She finally acknowledged the tears falling from her eyes.

What just happened...?

971 Words (Huh, this was kinda a long oneshot)

Jeez, this was some cringy ass angst. I kinda like this fic, but at the same time I really hate it because it doesn't make any sense and Kaminari + Yaoyorozu have no reason to be villains- So this was kind of angst just for the sake of being angst :)

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