On The Run (Fluff, I think)

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Inspired by: NIGHTWOLFofTheWOLVES' story, "Kyoka Rising"
Also, this is an AU (Alternative Universe) where Jirou is a homeless thief.

Heart pounding, ears ringing, mind racing. "COME BACK HERE RUNT!," A man with black, messy hair who seemed to be in his early 30s was chasing a young girl with short purple hair. God, how do I get myself into these situations? She slowed down, turned around, and held out her hands. She used her quirk, her quirk was called "Earphone Jack". It's where a pair of headphone jacks hang from her earlobes. She can stretch her earlobes several meters. This Quirk also allows her to hear minuscule sounds and vibrations from her surroundings. (Yes I used the definition from the MHA Wiki, fight me) She plugged her earphone jacks into the speakers on her hands and sent a vibration, strong enough to knock over the man. The man was hit and fell backwards, while the shorter girl just kept running. She didn't know where she was going, where she needed to be, all she knew is that she needed to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. A fence! In front of the girl was a big fence that had spikes on the top. When she turned back to look behind herself, she saw the man was still running after her. Does this guy ever give up? With only two options and only seconds to make a decision, she decided to climb the fence. When she got the she top her hands where a bit bloodied due to the spikes, but she threw herself over and ran anyway. When the girl looked back for the second time, the man was stuck at the fence, yelling profanities at her. "HAHA, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!," the girl taunted. Then, suddenly she was stopped by something hard and cold that hit her in the chest, winding her. When she looked up to see what happened, she saw a tall woman with black, raven hair. The most remarkable thing though was the fact that she had a metal pole growing out of her arm. That must've been the thing that hit me. The shorter girl unconsciously put her hand on the goods that she had stolen. Some money, some bread, some apples, nothing too big. Before she had time to even think about the situation too much the taller girl hit her in the head with the metal pole, causing everything to go black...
She woke up in a very nice room. The bed she was on was extremely soft, the cabinets were all neat, and the room was ginormous. Suddenly, there was a small creak and the door opened, revealing the tall woman from earlier. "Hello," she walked up to the shorter girl "What's your name?," The shorter girl shuffled a bit. "Why should I tell you?," The raven haired woman then looked at the other girls head, then back at her face. The shorter girl then realized that she had a bandage wrapped around her head. "I mean, there's nothing else you can really do, so...just tell me your name, it's not that difficult," The shorter girl rolled her eyes and scoffed "Kyoka," The taller girl looked at her, expecting more, "what?," Kyoka questioned. "Oh, it's just...You didn't tell me your last name," Kyoka looked at her with a suspicious glare clear on her face, "What about you? What's your name?," The taller girl gave her a friendly smile, "Yaoyorozu. Momo Yaoyorozu," Kyoka's eyes widened. A Yaoyorozu? Holy shit. "Hello?," Jirou was snapped out of her entranced state. "Are you okay? Are you feeling light headed? Need some water? Food?," Kyoka just stared for a bit, making the taller girl very uncomfortable before responding. "Yes, no, yes, yes," Yaoyorozu calculated that in her head for a second, then headed for the door. "Oh, and by the way, do not leave this room," That bitch can't tell me what to do Kyoka got up and suddenly there was this painful, pounding feeling in her head, causing her to wince. How hard did that fucker hit me? Kyoka walked over to a mirror in the room and realized that she had a bandage wrapped around her whole head, an aspect of it having a splotch of blood. What the fuck For the next few minutes the girl just walked around the giant room, forgetting that she was planning to escape before. "I'm back, Kyoka!," an optimistic voice cried out. Oh great, it's the fucking Yaoyorozu again The taller woman was carrying a tray with some steamy tea, some warm chicken noodle soup, and some chopsticks. "I think you should lay back down, your head's bound to still be hurting," Yaoyorozu was right. Kyoka's head was pounding profusely, but she wasn't going to admit it. "Fine. I guess," Kyoka sat down on the bed and Yaoyorozu gave her the tray. "You know....this is awfully fancy for a prisoner," Kyoka said "Normally I would be thrown into a dark room with no food for three days until I devise a plan to escape," Yaoyorozu looked at the smaller girl with a confused expression on her face. "What's the point in that? You've obviously been put into many prisons and every time you manage to escape. So what's the point in treating you as a prisoner if you're just visiting?," Kyoka looked the taller girl in the eyes with a hint of a glare. "If you're going to treat me as a guest then-," Yaoyorozu interrupted her "I never said I was treating you as a guest. I just said I'm not going to treat you as a prisoner," Kyoka raised an eyebrow. Ok..? Fucking weirdo. Yaoyorozu looked at her, trying to figure out what was going through the shorter girl's head. "Well, you sure did a number on my head," Kyoka said with a half-hearted chuckle. Yaoyorozu looked at her for a second and giggled a bit "Yeah, sorry about that," Feeling the awkward tension, Kyoka decided to speak up again "Well, you might as well go. If you know I'm going to escape, that is," Yaoyorozu gave her a half smile before replying. "Why would you leave? I assume you've been living on the street for most of your life, without a proper meal or bed. The only time you usually get a bed or proper food, it's because you're in prison, and I can tell that you do not like being trapped." Kyoka looked around the room for a second, avoiding eye contact. How the fuck did this bitch know that much about me. "Uh..-" is all Kyoka could say. "I'll give you some time to figure your thoughts out. Goodnight Kyoka,"

1123 Words
What the fuck did I just write... Eh, whatever. This was kind of bad, especially the ending, but who gives a shit? In know I don't. Anyway,

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