MHA Headcanons + Unpopular Opinions

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'Aight, since I haven't updated this in a while (and I have no motivation), I am having this as a chapter. 

NOTICE: I don't read the manga, so there might be a few things here that are disproven by the manga or wouldn't make sense in the manga setting. 


Aoyama used to spy on the girls whenever they had sleepovers until Ashido caught him and invited him to join. He's invited to (almost) every sleepover that the girls have.

Ashido gets acid burns from her quirk. (Which is why I think Ashido should have a more protective hero costume).

Tsu doesn't like being called Asui (her last name) because she has so many siblings and doesn't want people to be confused (even if those people have never met her siblings)

Iida is very insecure because of his brother's success as a hero. He loves his brother, but fears that he'll always be in his brother's shadow. After his brother's accident, he'd spend a lot of time in his room contemplating if he should leave the hero business or not.

Uraraka sometimes sneaks out and uses her quirk to destroy things around her parents' home, so they'll have more business. Good intentions, bad execution.

Ojiro was the type of kid to stay inside and read most of the time, so when his parents signed him up for karate class, he wasn't that excited. After the first semester though, he begged his parents to sign him up again.

Whenever someone is standing too close to Kaminari or making him uncomfortable in any way, he'll brush hand with that person (intentionally) and send a little shock.

Kirishima was raised solely by his mom which is why he's such a feminist. Also, Kirishima's a feminist.

When Kouda was a kid he'd always go outside and talk with the rabbits in his backyard, but one day he ran into a bush (While following a rabbit) and a bunch of bugs came out of it and crawled on him. That's why he's so afraid of bugs.

Sato was always made fun of for his appearance as well as his quirk which is why he picked up baking. It always calms his nerves.

Shouji is a dragon nerd.

Jirou has always wanted to make her own underground music group, but she fears it will get in the way of her hero work.

Sero smokes weed on Saturdays. 

Tokoyami secretly sleeps with a stuffed giraffe that he calls George.

Todoroki thinks Endeavor is a shitty dad, but Todoroki idolizes him as a hero. Basically, Todoroki thinks Endeavor's a bad parent, but thinks he's a good hero.

Hagkure hates her hero 'outfit' (if you can even call it that), but she doesn't know how else she could utilize her quirk to its fullest extent.

Bakugou has never, and will never actually try to kill someone.

Midoriya has always wanted a labrador, but his mom's apartment doesn't allow pets.

Mineta's mom has never been present in his life and Mineta's father is the type of guy who will cat-call and objectify women. This is the reason Mineta is such a douche.

Yaoyorozu will sometimes make counterfeit cash. Not because she's broke, she just doesn't really carry cash.


Please do not try to argue with me, you will not change my mind.

Aizawa is a shitty and manipulative teacher. I swear to god, I get that you're tired, but nap somewhere, please? You're teaching the next generation of heroes damnit!

Uraraka and Iida would be better main characters than Midoriya.

Bakugou is still an asshole. It doesn't matter how much 'ChArAcTeR dEvElOpMeNt' he went through, he still yells and belittles other people.

UA (or any other hero schools) are corrupt. Seriously, all the teachers at the school are allowing these children to fight fully capable villains. These kids don't even have their hero licenses yet, so legally they aren't even allowed to fight.

Endeavor doesn't deserve all the hate he gets. Yes, he is a shitty father, but recently he's trying to change. He might not be doing well, and I don't think he deserves to be forgiven, but at least he's fucking trying to be a better person and a better father.

Hagekure doesn't deserve to be in UA or in class 1-A. She isn't fast, she isn't exceptionally good at combat, she's not that physically strong... She could be a hero, sure, but I don't think she should be in UA.

Yaoyorozu could easily be one of the strongest heroes out there. Her only problem is that she's holding herself back and relying too much on her quirk. But I believe with enough combat training, she could easily be #1.

Why is Nezu the principal of a hero school?

Shigaraki is not attractive. I don't care what you say, he is the crustiest bitch I have ever seen. MOISTURIZE! 

Dabi never wanted to be a hero. His dad abused him since he was four, I don't think he'd have enough time to idealize heroes. Also, Dabi would definitely kill Todoroki (Shoto) and feel no remorse. He wouldn't give a shit because he never bonded with Todroki. Endeavor always kept them separate. In fact, I think Dabi resents Todoroki for being their father's favorite, even if he hates Endeavor. 

I don't think Bakugou is abused by his mother. I feel like Bakugou would act much differently at home if he was being abused. Mitsuki isn't the most nurturing mother, and doesn't have the best tactics, but I don't think she's an abuser. Their relationship was really just for comedy. People are looking far too much into it.

All Might should have thought more about who should be his predecessor. Now I'm not saying that Midoriya was a bad choice but All Might literally just met Midoriya. Out of everyone he just chose a random kid off the streets? What the hell? Midoriya could've literally been a serial killer.

Mineta doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets. I saw a pole on YouTube that said,
"Who would you want to be your roommate out of these choices?"

A) Mineta
B) Overhaul
C) Shigaraki


Most people chose Overhaul or Shigaraki. You would rather live with a murderer and a child abuser (and murderer) over a perverted high school boy? The hell?

Midnight shouldn't be around children. I'm sorry but she acts way too sexually suggestive and flirty to the students who are MINORS. She's a good teacher, but what the fuck?

Todoroki is overrated.

Kaminari is just as bad as Mineta, people just forget though because he's hot.

Midoriya needs more flaws.

Aoyama is creepy.

Class 1-B deserves their own arc without class 1-A's interference. 

Toga is a good villain, but she's way too overrated.

Dabi is not attractive, he is crusty, get a life.

Eri is fucking OP.

Monoma is a good character. 

Iida should've died in the Stain arc. I like Iida, but he should definitely be dead.

Midoriya should've stayed quirkless. He depends on his quirk way too much and he needs to work that out.

My Hero Academia isn't even that good. I don't even know why I like it at all. It doesn't really have any redeeming qualities and it's one of the most cliche shonen anime's out there.


Alright, I'm done.

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