Chapter 2: Drama Awakens

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Ah yes! 12:10pm. Four classes into the day and lunchtime. Lilly and her friends all walk together to lunch. When they get into the cafeteria, all five of them get food and take a seat. As the five of them are talking and eating, Gwen, one of the "popular" girls, approaches the table with Isaac, her friend and one of the "popular" boys.

"So Lilly, did you know that Isaac likes you?" Gwen says. "*scoffs* Yeah right" Isaac jumps in, "Yeah Lilly, I really like you. I swear, this is not some kind of joke. I actually really like you. I think you're hot as fuck" The conversation starts to drag a bigger crowd. "Whether this is or isn't a joke, I don't want to date you. You're too ugly and annoying for my taste" "Well, I don't know if you remember because you might've been too drunk, but me, you, and some random girl had a threesome at the bar mitzvah" "*laughing* Are you high?" "No but you may be. Also don't let the drugs affect our child." "Ok, I have no idea what the fuck is going on here, but I just want to clarify that I am NOT dating Isaac and would NEVER even think of doing so. Also, I did NOT hook up with him and there is NO child" "Ok...whatever you say..."

Isaac, Gwen, and the others fled Lilly's table. "Well, that was weird," Lilly said. "Yeah, but it was very entertaining and funny," Julia replied. "Yeah, it was" Charlie, Lola, and Jamie all chimed in. "Ok, let's move on from the awkwardness because whatever the hell's going on is 100% a joke, but people are just being weird about it" Lilly says. "Yeah" The rest of the table agrees.

Soon after, lunch is over. As Lilly and her friends are walking back to the middle school together, Isaac catches up to them, romantically grabs Lilly's right hand, and says "Let's walk back together like this" "No thank you. *yanks hand away* I thought I told you that I didn't like you" Lilly replied. "Well yeah, but I don't care about the fact that you don't like me, I care about the fact that I like you. Please at least just do it for me, pretend it's like a dare or something" "Uh *disgusted* if you insist *murmurs* I guess" "Yay!"

Lilly and Isaac get back to the middle school, and Lilly rips her hand out of Isaac's and says, "*annoyed* There. Are you happy now?" "Yes. I'm more than satisfied" Isaac replied.

Lilly regroups back to her friends, and gives them all a nice, firm, juicy handshake with her right hand. Isaac regroups back to his friends. Everyone walked inside the building and went on with their days.

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