High Above!

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Ever since I woke up from my weird and mixed or shared dreams, where for some reason I dream in a dream, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I've started to move on from the grief in my heart, my love for my parents will be wholesome and I'm sure of it. Yet what I'm concerned is what the universe wants of me, of why I keep having these dreams? Yes I love Seventeen but it keeps on happening. Because of that I'm having a weird feeling, my heart reacts weird when I'm with him... pounding. He's just a nice person, I couldn't really think less of him. He's always good with his friends... He's like the man I'm dreaming to be with. I don't feel that lonely anymore because I know there will be people here for me yet will they really be? Yes some made promises yet people tend to break promises. Universe what do you want from me? I couldn't even sleep, it's been twenty hours since I last slept. I want to yet those nightmares I just had, what if I couldn't control my dreams nor my feelings in my heart and brain? Am I depressed? I don't feel any emotions that much no more... What I did a while ago because I couldn't sleep was write a poem, or at least tried to...

"I continue to live and dream,

Until I die and leave the world be,

Then in those dreams I saw him,

Joshua is his name that I start to see,

He's a nice person as it seem,

I like him... recognize my heart that's free..."

I didn't put a title nor continue or even finish it. I now have feelings for him huh, didn't notice before not even a bit. If dreaming is the only way to meet and talk to him personally in this pandemic, then I'll take the chance and sleep until I get used to this mechanic. He inspires me, he's my inspiration. I feel happy with him whenever and whatever the situation. Even in those dreams they tend to end and we go apart; I love him, I trust him, so please know my heart... Damn it's like I'm writing a poem or being a poet in my mind, does everything I do just stay in my mind? Wow universe, how kind?! I wish something good would happen today... Oh wait, I can't even sleep, nothing good today, okay...?

She talked to herself as she started to feel lonely and sad again. Her talking to herself it's like being sad, depressed. Is talking and doing nothing else can give her anything to gain? She always feels this way ever since the pandemic started even if she tried her best... She always tells herself "If we vowed to be alive, but just die soon later; then is there something to thrive, something greater?" She's now really a sad person... It's like only in her dreams she can be a person of a happy version. Yet in reality that it had brought her something she really hates, in her mind her memories of what she lost because of reality she recreates. Now she's just laying down, just waiting for something to happen. She's waiting for herself to sleep again...

Knock knock~

"Reana?" she heard from her front door. She quickly got up as she remembered that voice before.

"Reana are you there?" The calls were familiar from persons she had encountered, alongside the knocks that every time it got louder. She quickly ran and opened the doors with the keys, yet she's scared that even if she may know the people, they may spread the pandemic's disease. She unlocked the door and opened the door knob as she saw her two and only close friends... Yana and Brielle holding something in surprise which makes her suspense...


Hi Reana!


Hey Reana!

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