Disappointment and Guilt

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"Head up, shoulders back," Dash recited for the eighth time. Vale's fake, polite grin had grown tight under Dash's endless list of instructions. "You have to look delicate and strong." Dash continued watching Vale's poor attempt to move gracefully about the room in a pair of heels.

"You've got the strong part down. Now just the... gentle creature part," Dash said with an amused grin, recalling Vale back to the alley where she had taken down a man twice her size who had called her just that.

"You're lucky I'm in these," Vale gestures to her shoes. "Or I'd kick your ass."

Dash placed his hands on his hips, "Now THAT," He raised a brow as he came to stand in front of her. "...is something I'd love to see. The day you can take anyone down in a pair of impractical shoes will be the thing of legends."

He reached out behind him and placed a large book on her head, forcing Vale to teater slightly until she could keep it up.

Dash moved back to the table he has been using for the last several hours and plucked up a second book. Books were rare, with most stories and information being transferred to tablets and screens years ago. Dash looked down at the book with a small smile, suddenly oblivious to Vale and swung himself up onto the table. Settling down, he opened the book.

"Your masquerade boots were custom made to catch you whenever you felt off balance. We can't assume they'll let you keep your shoes," Dash finished, his eyes scanning the pages.

Vale let out a slow breath, hoping to calm herself enough to erase the strong desire to throw the book on her head at Dash and continued to walk. Over the last several hours, they had discussed cutlery, manners and how to address those of the Elite class.

The only thing that kept her from stalking out of the room in a rage was the idea of saving Sky. Get in. Find him. Save him. Save humanity. The silent chant had become a loud idea in her mind. Clearing away her anger and fear whenever she called on it.

"You've gotten a lot better at that," Dash said from behind the book.

"Right. You aren't even paying attention," Vale said with a roll of her eyes.

Dash's green eyes flicked up to hers. "Do you want me to?"

The book fell off of Vale's head, followed by an awkward silence. Vale snatched the book off the ground and held it in her hands, staring at it with feigned fascination.

"Just because you don't see someone, doesn't mean they don't see you." Dash snapped his book closed. Vale made the mistake of looking up at Dash, and was rewarded with a sudden lack of balance.

Cursing herself internally, she steadied herself and chucked the book at him to regain some sense of control. Dash snatched it from the air with a wide grin, pleased by her reaction.

"And there's the temper." He held up three fingers. "Three hours. That's how long it took me to get you to lose all sense of composure. And I wasn't even trying."

Vale gritted her teeth. "You are insanely annoying."

Dash stood up and walked over to Vale, stopping a foot away. "And you need to build up an immunity to that." His grin grew hard, his eyes flashing like gems hit with light. "Trust me, you think I'm awful, just wait til you meet my relatives."

Vale pulled off her heels and tossed them to the side. "You're one to talk. You got into a brawl with Sky the last time I saw you two together."

Dash shrugged. "Family reunions do that. Besides, he started it."

"Only because you taunted him!"

"Taunts are fair game. It's whoever throws the first punch that loses." Dash laughed. "Do you really think a bunch of Elites will care if someone calls you names? It's whoever throws the first punch. And trust me Vale..." Dash leaned forward, his jet-black hair falling along his jaw, eyes dark. "You will always be first."

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