Remove The Threat

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It hadn't escaped anyone's notice that Vale arrived back at the Castle in a change of clothes that belonged to a boy Sky's size. It also hadn't gone unnoticed that both of them arrived back at the Devinus castle minutes before breakfast was being served. No one raised questions, but assumptions were clearly made as Vale moved back towards her room, doing her best to adjust the shirt that kept slipping off her shoulder.

She stopped, her hand hovering over the broken knob that led to her room, and suddenly remembered that all of her clothes were not there. Her heart squeezed, stuttering painfully in her chest. Reign's room.

She let herself in, ignoring Reign's clothes that still sat across her bed. Vale had minutes to make it to the dining hall. Changing into a long skirt, riding boots, and a blouse, she bolted from the room, tying her hair back as she ran.

It wasn't ladylike to run, but she was far past caring. As far as she was aware, being late could kill her. She jolted to a stop when a soft voice caught her attention with a cough.  Pavi, the servant who Vale had interacted with several times before, peeked her head out of a nearby room. "You can't wear that," she murmured quietly. Her eyes were wide, her voice unsteady.

Vale didn't have time to argue and made a snap judgment, putting her trust in a girl she hardly knew. "What do I do?"

Pavi glanced over her outfit. "What size shoe do you wear?"

"Seven and a half."

Pavi surprised her by pulling off her low black heels and handing them to Vale. "Wear these. I'll take your boots back to Reign's room."

Vale nodded and swallowed past the lump in her throat at hearing Reign's name. "Thank you Pavi."

Pavi gave her an understanding nod, her deep brown eyes taking on a spark of a smile, looking suddenly brave. "Stay strong Lightning," she whispered. Then she vanished down the hall before Vale could process what had happened. Turning, Vale ran, feeling numb. If Kebar had heard Pavi's nearly silent whisper of rebellion, she wouldn't last the day. Vale pushed back a wave of nausea. I don't want anyone else to die.

Bursting into the banquet hall, nineteen sets of eyes turned to glare. One large rectangular table sat at the center of the hall. Each girl who had survived the hunt sat in the chairs surrounding it. Three open seats remained. Vale moved to the closest seat, and nearly stood back up when she realized she had taken the seat next to Danielle Brew. The girl that Sky had kissed. The one who had danced with him. The one who knew sign. The one who had known him for most of his life.

Danielle's eyes flicked over to Vale, blond lashes fluttering as she blinked, appraising Vale in an instant. Her red-painted lips pursed in disapproval at Vale's outfit choice. It was meant to make Vale feel insecure, but the condescension did was make her miss Reign.

The doors at the far end of the hall opened and Kebar walked in, his wife in tow. When the doors shut behind them, and the two final seats were filled by Kebar and his wife, Vale felt suddenly trapped. Kebar looked too pleased by the uncomfortable silence that filled the room. Where's Sky?

"It's wonderful to see you all," Kebar began, pressing a silk napkin onto his lap with slow precision. "I thought we should have a final meal together before things move into the final round."

Vale's heart hammered wildly. Servants moved to the table, placing plates covered in stainless steel dish covers on the delicate silver table cloth. "And to showcase the importance of this final game..." Kebar paused for dramatic effect. He patted his wife's pale hand. She stared straight ahead, her eyes unreadable. Is she trapped too? Vale wondered.

The room grew tense as Kebar looked at each girl, holding their gazes until they looked down. He looked at Danielle, and after she looked down, a calm, unreadable expression on her face, Kebar continued. "I wanted to give you each a gift..." The servants pulled up the dish covers and all breath left Vale's body. She stared down at her plate and then looked up to Kebar. He was looking at her, his eyes light with amusement, waiting to see Vale's reaction. Eager to watch her shatter.

Waiting for her to break. To crack. To scream. To rip the table in two in order to reach him and pull out his heart with her bare hands. But even as the girls around her gasped, cried, or heaved up their food, Vale kept her gaze on Kebar. You will not break me. You will not destroy me. You will not make me move. I am not a game piece for your pleasure.

She held his gaze, as the room around her fell into shudders and quiet screams. Although the girls had killed, they hadn't been forced to look at the dead faces. To truly comprehend what they had done. Vale knew in a deep part of herself that she would cry. She would break. She would scream. But it was not then. Not when Kebar wanted it to be.

Kebar raised a brow, looking surprised. "The spoils of war." He smiled and turned to whisper to his wife, breaking his gaze.

Vale braced herself and looked down at her plate. To eyes she knew. Eyes that belonged to each person she had killed in the Hunt. To Reign. To Fox. To the girls in the river... Their eyes had been full of life. Full of wants. But now they stared up at her, unblinking, unwanting, uncaring.

She avoided focusing on the details. Doing her best not to see Reign's, which sat displayed at the very center like a prized garnish. An angry voice cut through the air. "What is this?" Danielle looked up at Kebar, her tone hard.

"Would you have preferred whole heads?" Kebar asked. He chuckled. "It would have been difficult to add that many to a single plate."

Danielle stared up at him, a confused look on her face. "Your Highness... this is not—."

Kebar silenced her. "What? Not part of the plan?" Kebar stood. "You don't know the rules to every game you play." He moved around the table, coming to stand behind Vale's chair. An angry and wild chill ran down Vale's spine.

She felt her metal arm crack with lightning under the table. Clenching her hand into a fist, Vale silenced the wild protest. Ignoring the threat behind her. "My dear Lady Brew. Agreements are never made without the potential for changes. Edits are always allowed when there is not an actual signature involved. And even then... creative solutions are always found."

Kebar had all but told Danielle that she wouldn't have the boy she wanted. Their agreement had been dissolved. Danielle's eyes went wide with disbelief. She shook her head with a minute gesture.

Kebar placed his hand on Vale's shoulder, his cold fingers hard. Vale clenched her jaw, metal fingers shaking with barely controlled power. "I do not follow," Danielle said, her eyes moving from Kebar's hand resting on Vale's shoulder, to Kebar's face. Her eyes narrowed.

"I mean that if you are no longer favored..." Kebar took a step back, unleashing his next test with a finality that destroyed all potential for civility in the banquet hall. "...remove the threat."

Vale planted her feet under the table, confused by Piva's choice in shoes. Feeling suddenly foolish for having listened. Why did I listen to her? I can't run in these!

"If any of you can take out Vale Vita, my grandson is yours to marry."

Lightning Bringer: (Lighting Seeker Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now