Bleeding Away

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Two strong hands gripped Vale's wrists, forcing her metal hand to still, stalling her ability to morph it into a usable weapon. She could only transform her arm when it wasn't blocked, and whoever had pinned her to the ground, was either very lucky or knew more about her skill set than she was comfortable with.

"Let me go!" she growled attempting to shake off her attacker. She was met by a large shushing sound, the attacker attempting to silence her. This only angered her further. "LET." She shoved her head back and hit something hard, and was rewarded with a loud CRACK. "ME." She felt the attacker's grip loosen and she quickly shoved her weight backwards and flipped herself on top of her attacker. "GO..." The word died on her lips as she looked down at a familiar face.

She bit back a swear, not wanting to give in to her anger. I need to avoid punching a hole into the ground next to his stupid face! Instead, she jumped to her feet and put several feet of space between them. She had developed an edge of anger that she didn't trust with Dash so close by. "What are you doing here?" she hissed, ignoring the wave of relief that washed over her. He was alive.

Dash had several long scratches across his face and his jacket was no longer immaculate, covered in crimson rips. He seemed unaware of the blood that bloomed across his shirt. Dash's hand covering his now broken nose as he slowly stood to his feet. Blood dripped down his face as he leveled her with a stare, erasing her relief and replacing it with a defensive posture.

"What are you doing?" he replied, anger clear in his tone.

"Sk-." He shook his head, a warning entering his expression, interrupting her train of thought. His eyes telling her to keep his name to herself. To forget what she had just seen.

"We need to go," he said, barely above a whisper.

"Do you hate him so much?" Vale asked, seeing red. She knew that Sky and Dash had a complicated past. One covered in a shared death that they both blamed themselves and each other for, but this was larger than a grudge. They were cousins, family. And something had happened, sending them into a quiet rage against each other. Something that made Dash want to leave Sky behind. Frankly, Vale was tired of their refusal to fix things.

A flash of hurt crossed Dash's face. "You know I don't." He ran his fingers through his hair, his brows furrowed in frustration. "That's not what this is," Dash said, taking a step towards her.

Vale took a step back, itching to find Sky. To ignore the warning on Dash's face. "I don't have time to listen to your excuses right now."

"Don't make me stop you," Dash replied, looking suddenly tired. Like he would rather be anywhere else talking about anything else than in the dimly lit hallway, threatening to take Vale down if she tried to find Sky.

"I am not making you do anything."

"Then don't refuse Mortem's orders. Don't turn and run. Don't risk walking away from everything."

"That's not what this is! I saw him! He's missing and it's our chance to get him back!"

Dash shook his head. "Trust me. I want him back too. But now is not the time." Dash's voice was so quiet, so gentle that Vale felt her anger and determination slip for a moment. His soft green eyes pulling her in, making her question herself.

"I'm sorry," Vale whispered. She pulled her eyes away and ran, determined to find Sky before Dash could stop her.

She knew the exact moment Dash launched into the air, his jet boots pushing him forward at a deafening speed. The sound had always been loud. Vale ducked and rolled backwards, watching Dash fly above her. Transforming her arm, Vale wrapped a whip around his ankle and pulled, causing him to tilt and fly right into the wall. He hit the ground with a grunt.

Jumping to her feet, Vale ran past him and down the hall. She saw another flash of blond and moved faster. She saw a figure ahead. "Sky!" she shouted, feeling the echo of his name reverberate through the walls, fill her bones, and seep down into her soul. The urgency in her tone ripped down the hall causing the figure to freeze.

The figure slowly turned and Vale caught sight of Sky's deep blue eyes. Twin oceans swirling with angry storms. His posture was stiff. His fists clenched against his side. Vale stopped mid-step, confused by the boy in front of her. He looked dangerous. Cold. Oddly distant, making him feel miles away and not feet from her.

"Sky?" she asked, suddenly afraid.

His eyes flashed at the mention of his name. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. His fingers twitched at his sides, looking like he wanted to sign something to her but stopped. Vale was so distracted by Sky that she didn't hear someone behind her until a sudden sharp prick filled the side of her neck.

Vale kept her eyes on Sky as her world began to go dark. She felt his name slip from her mouth again in a pleading whisper. Sky began to blur, bleeding away from her sight. She watched him disappear as she slumped to the ground, suddenly afraid that she wouldn't see him again for a long time. 

Vale woke up to a pair of angry dark brown eyes looking down at her. "Ye be the most stubborn recruit I 'ave ever had to deal with," Mortem said, his foul breath wafting over Vale. He continued before Vale was even fully awake. "Next time you decide to ignore an order, I will do more than 'ave ye drugged and dragged from the building." 

Vale's world swam again, and she fell back into darkness.

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