Just the Two of Us

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My brain moved as fast as lightning. Cleo? Did she really do it all? But how?

“Look, Cleo, please. Think about what you’re doing,” I said quietly, trying my best to stay calm.

Cleo shook her head with a frown. The hand that was holding a knife was shaking. “Who are you actually?”

I frowned. “What do you mean? You know who I am.”

She shook her head again. “No, Thomas was right. It was odd that you suddenly joined us like that.”

I felt a slight relief. That meant she was just being defensive, not trying to attack me.

“If it was me, how do you suppose I would break the car window? And where did Thomas go? I was with you the whole time.”

Cleo looked like she was considering my answer. “But... it couldn’t possibly be Thomas.”

I sighed and took a seat on the couch. “It could still be an outsider.”

Even though people are more likely killed by someone they know than a stranger. But of course I didn’t say that to her.

“Please, let’s just sit down and talk it through,” I said as I patted the seat next to me.

Cleo was hesitant at first, but gave up in the end and sat next to me. “Okay, so, what’s next?”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I don’t know.”

Everything had been so intense, I hadn’t really had time to stop and think. 

“Um, what about your other friend? Dan, I think is his name? Who’s meant to join here tomorrow?”

Cleo snorted. “He hasn’t any brain for all this.”

I agreed in my head, but pretended to be confused. “How can you be so sure?”

Cleo shrugged. “I just am.”

“How about Richy?”

Cleo sighed. “For all we know, he has been the first victim.” She shook her head. “Or third.”

I was glad she said that, because I wouldn’t have been able to bring it up myself. “What do you mean?”

Cleo adjusted her seat. “Well, if we counted Hannah as the first, and then there was also Amy…”

I blinked a few times. “You have so many friends… Who is Amy?”

I must say, lying hadn’t been the hardest part of this whole undercover business. 

“The police found her body not long after Hannah went missing. We didn’t really know her, though, so I don’t know how she related to all this.”

That was one of the things I struggled to believe. I had a strong feeling at least Hannah knew Amy. I wasn’t sure whether the rest was just pretending they didn’t know her, or just didn’t know that Hannah knew her. In the recording of Hannah’s session with the psychiatrist, it was said that they were only children when this terrible incident happened. That was the first time I heard of the name Jennifer. So I figured Hannah and this other child possibly witnessed the incident where Jennifer died. 

She told the psychiatrist she was being followed, and the psychiatrist said it wasn’t the first time she told him. And Hannah said this time was different. This man was watching them — which I presumed she meant herself and this other witness — and she wasn’t sure about it then, but she was sure about it now. What did she mean by “then”? Was it the first time she thought she was being followed which she then told the psychiatrist? Or was it 10 years ago? During the incident or afterwards?

If it was during the incident, what did she mean he was watching them? Weren’t they the one who witnessed it?

I could feel my brain was shutting down… I wished I could just sleep it off and wake up fresh tomorrow to rethink everything. But I must keep watch.

“How do you know everyone?” I finally thought of something to ask Cleo. Lilly’s answer wasn’t that satisfactory.

“Well, through Hannah mainly,” Cleo replied quietly.

“How does everyone fit in together in your group of friends?” I rephrased the question in the hope I got a better answer.

Cleo thought for a second. “Well, Thomas and Hannah are a couple, as you already know. Lilly is Hannah’s sister. Richy is Hannah’s childhood friend. Jessy is Richy’s secretary. And Dan is Thomas’ friend. And we just somehow become friends and hang out together.”

I nodded. “Do you know each of them well?”

“Yeah, pretty much. Some closer than the others. We do hang out mainly in a group, so you don’t get to talk to each person too much.”

“But you’re the closest to Hannah?”

Cleo nodded. 

And yet she seemed to know little about Hannah… 

“How long have you known her?”

Cleo paused to think. “We met at university, so I guess 4-5 years now.”

"And how long has Hannah dated Thomas?" By this time I hoped it didn't start to come across as probing.

"2 years," Cleo said, rather quickly. Too quickly. 

I just nodded. There were many times when I felt some answers were rehearsed, but it was hard to say through texts. Not just Cleo, but everyone else. This time though, when we were finally talking in person, it was a bit easier to tell.

There was suddenly a loud thump coming from in front of the house. Cleo and I stared at each other in shock. What was it this time?

I stood up but Cleo pulled me.  “We can’t go out again after what happened the last time."

I nodded in agreement. “But I have a feeling it came from right in front of the door. I would just open the door quickly and close it again.”

Cleo was hesitant, but when I said that it could be Thomas, she let go of me to check the door.

I paused just before I opened the door and took a deep breath, wishing that it wouldn't be anything bad.

I opened the door slowly, and at first couldn't see anyone. But then I looked down. It was a man laying down on his stomach right in front of the door. The thump must have been him being dropped on the wooden porch floor.

"No!" Cleo screamed after she followed me to the door.

She clearly recognised the man from the back. It was Thomas.

My eyes met Cleo's. That now left just the two of us...

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