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I was glad that I asked my work for a week leave even though it ended quicker than I anticipated. Now I had 4 days to recover from all this.

"Don't you want to stay here a bit longer? I feel bad that your only experience in Duskwood is all these crazy murders and stuff."

Hannah and Lilly were sitting on my bed at the motel room, watching me packing up my things. 

I folded my last top and put it inside my travelling bag. "I think I need a break for now," I politely declined. It was too much for me already. "But I promise I will come back for a visit." 

Hannah nodded understandingly and then bit her lip. "Do you mind doing us one last favour?"

I shrugged. "Shoot."

Hannah and Lilly exchanged glances before Hannah replied, "We are planning to confront our father about Jake."

I winced. "Are you sure it's not too soon? I also think you should talk to Jake first."

Hannah nodded. "Yes, I know. That is part of the plan."

"And where do I come in?"

This time, Lilly jumped in. "We figured Jake would listen to you more."

I narrowed my eyes. "I don't know about that... It's a family business. I should have nothing to do with it."

Hannah sighed. "Fair enough. I guess we'll have to sort it out ourselves."

I gave them a thin smile. "I would suggest to take it easy. Recover from these traumas first and get to know Jake. Then you will probably be more ready for it than you are now."

Hannah and Lilly nodded in agreement. 

I zipped up my bag and was ready to go. Hannah and Lilly went out of the room first. As I was about to close the door behind me, I turned back for one last look around the room. I sure hoped when one day I came back to stay in this room again, the situation would be much better.

I settled the accounts with Ms. Sully after a brief chat about everything that happened. She wished me well and invited me to come again. I only gave her a thin smile before  we all headed to our cars.

Hannah gave me a hug and thanked me one more time before getting into her car. Lilly only smiled a "what she said" smile, but before she joined Hannah, I stopped her.

"Hey wait," I called. "I never got to say thanks for being willing to confess even at your own expense. You play a key role in helping Jake and bringing justice."

Lilly shrugged. "It's nothing in comparison to what I have done." She paused as she looked down at her feet. "Sorry for what we made you go through. And thanks for... everything."

"All good. It's in the past now."

Lilly looked up with a thin smile. "Well, I'm sure I'll see you around. If it isn't to visit us specifically, I'm sure Jake will bring you here. To officially introduce you to the family as his fiancé or something."

I snorted. "Wow, that escalated quickly."

We laughed, and then said goodbye one more time. I too went into my own car and drove off. But instead of turning left towards the town exit, I went the opposite way into the town center. I had one last thing to do.

The police station looked grim as always. So I decided to wait outside. I was hoping they would be done with the paperworks soon.

I looked around. The town was a quiet as always. Nothing indicated that some malicious crimes had happened here, nor that the criminals involved had been caught. During our long talk in the woods, the other police officers went to the garage and pharmacy to arrest Richy's and Dan's fathers. Solving a present case was one thing. Solving a cold case was another. I wondered if it would make any difference for Iris, who hadn't received the justice all these years, and yet never sought revenge. Not even once. But now suddenly found out that the real murderer of her daughter had been caught.  I guessed she never based her happiness on that, and so she moved on, and now she would be glad of the news, but it wouldn't change much. It wouldn't bring her daughter back.

"Hello, Eira."

The deep familiar voice made me jump. The owner smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I shook my head. "That's okay. I guess I'm still a bit on edge."

We just stared at each other for a while, suddenly didn't know what to say. I had played this scene over and over in my head. Earlier on, it was for when I finally met Jake. But lately, for when he finally was set free. I thought I would have a lot to say or ask, but now all of them had escaped my mind like a massive exodus.

"So," Jake started.

"So," I echoed him.

"Well done," he said softly.

I managed a smile and then shrugged. "I got lucky."

Jake chuckled. "Your dad must be so proud."

I laughed. He remembered. That time I joked that I learned all this from my father, the famous detective.

Silence. Again. 

Until I finally said, "I thought we've gotten better at small talks.  But I guess not."

Jake smiled. "It sure is even harder in real life."

I nodded in agreement. "So... what now?" I dared myself asking the real dying question.

Jake shrugged. "I have managed to free myself from my pursuers, so I guess I can now start over."

"That's great," I replied, and I really meant it.

"What about you?" he continued.

"Going home," I replied softly as I looked down at my feet. "I guess this is goodbye."

When Jake didn't respond, I looked up. He was staring at me. "It doesn't have to be that way," he finally replied.

I sighed. Of course I didn't want it to be. But what was there for us?

"This isn't going to work," I said quietly.

He nodded in agreement. "At least not now. I have my whole life to figure out, and you have yours to get back to."

I stared at the ground again, before suddenly looking up with more hopeful eyes. "How about this," I initiated. "In exactly 3 years, we meet up again right here," I continued as I used both my index finger to point at the ground.

Jake raised his eyebrows. "Right here?" he asked doubtfully as he looked back. "In front of the police station? Very romantic."

I laughed. "Okay, not exactly here, I guess." I looked away. There was the pawn shop right across the street, where Hannah and Amy saw and bought that bracelet. "How about there?"

"That's better," Jake commented. "But there's only one problem."

I raised my eyebrows. "And what's that?"

"Three years are far too long."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay then. How about two?"

"How about one?" 

I laughed. "One it is, then."

And with that, Jake turned around and walked towards the town center while I walked the opposite way towards my car, hoping that when we crossed paths again, things would be so much brighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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