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"You said they told you they were with someone else?"

"Yes, he gave the name Clancy, but we scoured the caves and nothing."


"Yes, do you know who it is?"

"Old friend of Tyler and I."


"Any news on Tyler?"

"Nico dragged him back. Looked serious this time."

"It's always a serious matter."

"Yes, you're right. What should we do?"

"We'll send a team into the city to get them-"


"Yes again. I'll lead a team in and collect Tyler and Clancy. Again."

"Josh, you know how dangerous that is. Especially with how the Bishops have been dealing out punishments lately."

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't hear? Word came through that sometime during mid or late winter the Bishops started dealing out Glorifying Ceremonies as punishments to those who escape."

"Why am I just now hearing about this?"

"Luke said it wasn't anything to be too worried about,"

"He did, did he? Anyone else?"

"He and Ivy wanted to tell you themselves. I assumed they told you."

"Sam, anything else I might not have heard?"

"Nik said when they were watching from the ledges, the kid ran out of a cave and stood with Tyler. Almost got taken with him."

"I was there, why are you telling me this?"

"The kid yelled it."

"What do you mean?"

"It wasn't Tyler who yelled for cover. It was the kid."

"How did the kid know that phrase? That's not something we give out to anyone in the city."

"Tyler called him Arlyn if that h-"

"I'm sorry, Arlyn?"

"Do you know the kid?"

". . ."


"Sam, get together a group. Tell them we leave as soon as the sunsets. If what you told me about the Glorified is true, we don't have much time."

"Yes, sir. What will you do in the meantime?"

"I need to talk to the kid about something when they wake up."

"You know him?"

"I did. Tyler, Clancy, and I did years ago."

"What happened?"

"They died 5 years ago."

"How? We all saw him there clear as day and he's in our medical tent alive and well. What happened?"



"They were one of the youngest to be picked for the Annual Assemblage of the Glorified."

"I remember that. Wait, that was Arlyn?"

"Yes. Do you see my concern now?"

"I do. What should we do?"

"I'll keep an eye on them and ask them some questions when they wake up. Ready the group to go into the city to collect Tyler and Clancy again."

"What about when you leave?"

"Keep them out of sight."

"Anything else?"

"Do not breath a word of this to the others. This now stays between you, me, Tyler, and Clancy. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Somethings not right with any of this."

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