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~Niall's pov~

People have been coming, either from work or just to check on me, but I haven't payed any attention to either. I heard even my parents came, even Rosemary's parents came, but these past few weeks have just been a blur. I don't even remember half of it. All I know is that I've been alone for almost three weeks now, wishing only that I could see Rosemary, one more time. The lads have pulled me along to every interview, photoshoot, etc. for weeks now, trying to help me cheer up. They should know that none of that is going to work.

~Rosemary's pov~

I had just landed in London for the first time in almost a month. My Mum had agreed to pick me up for my doctors appointment. The doctor needed to check in on the baby. I was actually looking forward to it. I wanted to see how my son or daughter was coming along. That doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of Niall. He's all I ever think about. I was actually kind of hoping I would run into Niall while I was here... Maybe we could make up....

My Mum picked me up and drove me quietly to the hospital, where I walked in proudly. The receptionist asked for my name, and I gave it to her. She told me to wait, so I sat in one of the chairs patiently. On one of the Tvs, one direction was in the middle of an interview. Seeing Niall stung like a knife, but I watched it anyways. "So I heard you and Rosemary broke it off?" The female interviewer asked Niall, and he shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah." He looked down, and I did the same, feeling tears fill my eyes. "Is there anything you'd like to say to her, if she's listening?" He nodded, his blue eyes sparkling with tears as he stared right at the camera. "Princess, if you're watching this, I want you to know that I love you. And that whatever happened between us, can be fixed. I hope you're happy and that you're not in as bad shape as I am."

Fortunately, my doctor called me in just then, so I didn't have to hear the rest of his speech.

"Hello Rosemary! Welcome back!!" I smiled warmly at him, and he started doing a checkup. I did what he told me to do, so we would get done faster. I just wanted to go home and sleep. "Good news, you're baby is healthy. You've been taking great care of it." I smiled, and rubbed my belly affectionately. "Thanks, doc." I was dismissed after that, and set another appointment in two months.

Going outside, the air was warm, spring was on the way. Mum followed me out and brought me to her car. She brought me home, and I went up into my room and sat down. I started talking to the baby, something I always did. "Hey, baby. It's your Mummy again. The doctor says you're healthy and strong and growing. I'm so happy. I love you. I patted my stomach softly, which felt a small amount bigger. Not enough to be noticeable, but it felt bigger. Which meant that the baby was growing. I smiled, and settled in to bed. I had more calls from Niall which I ignored with a heavy heart, before falling asleep.

~Niall's pov~

I reached for my phone, praying that it would be Rosemary, finally replying after all this time, but was disappointed..... Again. It was her Mum, and her text lifted my heart a little. "Rosemary's here. Would you like to come over?" I was about to reply a yes, but I stopped before I could hit send. "I don't think she'd want me there." I sent instead, sitting down and looking at a picture of Rosemary and I. Someone had caught us together that day in the rain, after we had first met, and a fan gave it to me the other day. I never let it out of my sight. "She'll probably be asleep for a few more hours, maybe longer. You can come." I declined her offer, and put my phone down just as a knock sounded throughout the flat.

I got up and answered the door. It was the lads, and they all had grim looks on their faces. "What's wrong?" I asked, but they ignored me, coming in and sitting down in the living room. Liam elbowed Harry, who looked up at me nervously. "What?" I asked, and he swallowed hard. "Tell him, Harry." Louis urged, and I became scared.

"Rosemary didn't purposefully break up with you. She was forced." Harry started, looking at me sadly. "By who?" It couldn't be her parents, they had already agreed to the proposal. Her friends? Harry still looked uneasy, but he straightened up.

"It was management." Was all he said, but I felt weak. "What?" I squeaked out, unable to speak. "They told her it was either she broke up with you, or you were out of the band. I'm sorry, Niall." Liam finished for Harry, who was shaking like he was going to cry. "I-I need to go." I muttered, already on my way to meet with management. We have some things to discuss.


It's sooo short, I'm sorry!!

I wanted to get something up so that you guys didn't have to be left on a cliffhanger for very long.... Sorry about that!!

Well, hope you like!!


Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now