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~Rosemary's pov~

I sat in an empty bunk, wiping my tears. "Princess..." Niall kneeled down so he could see into the bunk, and I just sniffled and looked away. "Just go away." I muttered, not looking at him. "Let me explain?" He pleaded, and I nodded, looking over at him. "I thought you looked amazing in those jeans. So did Luke. We don't think you're ugly, I don't know why you would ever think that..." Niall concluded, and I slowly pulled myself out of the bunk to sit next to him. "I know. I guess being pregnant made me more insecure than ever. I'm sorry." I told him, and he smiled, chuckling to himself. "You have no reason to be sorry, Princess. Now let's go get lunch to cheer you up, yeah?" He suggested, and I nodded eagerly.

"Let's go. I'm starved!" He put his arm around me and led me off of the bus and into the hotel. The restaurant Niall took me to was delicious, and it served the best French fries I had ever had! Niall laughed every time I took a bite, because of the faces I made while eating them. After our wonderful lunch, Niall and I headed back to the hotel, before we went our separate ways. Niall to Ford Field to prepare for the show later, and I was going to Skype Mum and talk to Scarlett. I turned on Skype and Mum picked up, Scarlett already on her lap. "Mummy!" Scarlett cried, blowing me a kiss. I did the same, except I made funny faces, which made her laugh.

"How are you, love?" I asked her and she smiled, showing the two teeth that had grown in. "Good, Mummy." Scarlett said, and I felt tears fill my eyes. I miss my baby girl. It's only two weeks, I told myself, and talked to Mum about how tour is and where we are going to next. I grinned, and told her about all that I had done so far, about lunch with Niall a half hour ago, and how happy I am. When my phone started ringing, I knew that it was time to end the Skype call. "I love you Mum. Love you Scar! Mummy's got to go now!!" Scarlett waved and blew kisses, and I disconnected. I picked up my phone and checked the caller ID, which said Mikey XD . I called him back, but it went to voicemail.

After three more calls, none successful, I sent him a text. "I tried calling you, what's up? -R" I sent it, only to a reply come in almost immediately. "We r trying to rehearse, but I don't wanna. Can I talk to u instead?" He sent back, and I giggled. "At least ur job is fun.... ;) " "lol" was his reply. I placed my phone in my pocket, before peeking through the curtain. There was a large group of fans outside, and I groaned. With their screaming and yelling, we'll never get any sleep tonight. I pulled the curtains back, opened the window and took a video of the screaming fans singing one direction songs. I sent it to Michael, with the caption, "Gunna have a hard time sleeping 2nite!! >:( "

"Oh, this is nothin!! Just wait!!!! The crowds get bigger... :) " I laughed again, already typing out a reply. "I'm only here for two weeks. I probably won't be there for them..... Good luck! ;) " I imagined him chuckling quietly to himself as he read my sarcastic text. "I'm going 2 go party with the lads after the show, r u coming w/ me? It'll be really fun!! -Ni Xx" was the text from Niall I received a minute later. I frowned, and typed, "Sorry, Ni... But I don't really like crowded bars or clubs where everybody is drinking.... Have fun without me!" I never liked crowds, and bars/clubs made me feel extremely claustrophobic.

"It's ok... I'll still get some cuddle time w/ u afterwards, right?" I smiled involuntarily, just like I always did when I was texting Niall. "Of course! I can never say no 2 ur Horan hugs!!" I imagined that as I began to unpack a pair of clothes that I would wear to bed, and what I would wear tomorrow. I retrieved Niall's things from the tour bus, and prepared to go out. I posted a photo on Twitter of the fans crowded outside saying, "Wow! So many people showed up! Your singing is beautiful btw!!!!" People started commenting and retweeting within mere minutes of me posting it, and I tried to answer some of the DMs that I have been getting.

Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now