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~Rosemary's pov~

I left rain-drenched London, only to arrive a rain-drenched Chicago. I was hoping to find sun, but instead I'm in the middle of thunderstorm. I looked out the front door of the airport, wondering, How am I going to keep Scar dry? "Do you need some help?" I turned and Luke was standing there. I smiled. "What are you doing here?" I asked, giving him a one-armed hug. "I have a show tonight. What are you doing here?" I picked up my suitcase, and Luke opened an umbrella over our heads. "How's my favorite niece?" He said sweetly, tickling Scarlett's tummy. She laughed, and waved.

"This is your Uncle Lukey." I told her, and she tried out the name. "Uk.....ey!!" He smiled, chuckling. "Well, aren't you a smart girl?" He tickled her stomach again. "We're here for Daddy." I said to Luke, answering his first question. He nodded, and we started out into the rain. "I didn't know Niall had a show here." He added, opening the door of a black van. He motioned for me to go in, and I did. Calum, Ashton, and Michael seemed surprised to see me sitting. "Hey!" I said cheerfully, waving. They waved back, uncertainly. "You didn't tell us she was coming." Michael hissed at Luke. "Oh, I'm just hitching a ride to....." I paused for a moment to check my phone. "Here's the directions." I said, handing the phone to Luke.

"It's on our way, so we can drop you off there." I nodded, looking down at Scarlett as the van lurched into traffic. I smiled at the band, and we just talked for a while, until the venue came into view. "Thanks, lads!" I told them, as the driver stopped so I could get out. "You're welcome!" Luke called back, waving. I slid out, using my jacket to shelter Scarlett, and walked toward the side entrance. It was in an alley, smushed between two buildings. I could see the tour bus vaguely, because I know they would be moving it before the concert. I tried to move as fast as I could, but it was hard with all the luggage and Scarlett. I struggled, but managed to pull myself over to the door of the tour bus.

I looked around, not seeing anything or anyone except shadows, before knocking on the door. Thunder cracked, and I gasped. "Mummy?" Scarlett asked, whimpering. She was getting wet. I groaned, looking around, before knocking again. The door opened a smidge, and I could see Harry's eye through the door. "Be patient! You can go in that door to get out of the rain." He pointed to the side entrance to the venue. I rolled my eyes, and sprinted back into the rain and through the door.

~Harry's pov~

I took Rosemary's things, and shut the tour bus door again. I picked them up to stash them in my bunk, but came face to face with Niall. "Whose is that?" He asked suspiciously, raising his eyebrow as he stared at the luggage I now had behind my back. "It's... Mine." I told him, making up a lie in my head. "I had extra clothes and things, but the airport lost it when we first flew. They just now found it and brought it back to me." I sighed, for dramatic effect, and stuffed the luggage in my bunk. I pulled off the luggage tag that said Rosemary's name on it, and stuck it in my back pocket.

Niall shrugged, and went to sit in the back of the bus. I sighed with relief, closing the curtain of my bunk, as Louis and Liam moved to stand in front of me. "She here?" Liam asked, and I nodded. "I'll go meet her." Louis whispered, heading for the door. "If anybody asks, I left to...... Do something fun," I smirked as he left, then looked back at Liam. "Why are we doing this again?" Liam shrugged, and headed after Louis.

~Rosemary's pov~

I stayed just inside the door, leaning down to check on Scarlett. She was smiling now, and she giggled when I looked down at her, grabbing my nose with her hand. "Do you got my nose? Huh, Scar? You got my nose, yeah!" She laughed again, this time removing her hand from my nose. "Rose, you here?" I turned to see Louis opening the door. He spotted me, before stepping inside, followed by Liam. "Hey!" I said, hugging both of them. "Where's Niall?" I asked. "He's in the tour bus, sorry you got soaked." I looked down and indeed my clothes were soaked. Only now did I see that my pink bra was showing through my shirt, and I gasped, trying to cover myself up.

Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now