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~Niall's pov~

"Are you sure, Princess?" I asked her, as she bustled around the flat, talking to a church pastor, emailing a salon, and eating an apple, all at the same time. She nodded, but didn't fool anyone. With a month before the wedding, poor Rosie hasn't slept she's been so busy preparing. I helped.... A lot, but she 'likes to do it herself'. Scarlett wandered over to me, and raised her arms to be picked up. Now a one-year old, she's already started to do things by herself. When she's hungry, she'll go and get her own food, no matter how angry that makes her mother. She's a lot like me, actually. "I'm hungry, daddy." Scarlett whined, when I picked her up. I stuck out my bottom lip in a pout, and tapped her nose. "Im sorry, Baby. We are going out to lunch with your uncles today, and they're late... As usual." I told her apologetically.

Scarlett whined some more, and I snuck another glance at Rosemary. She wasn't paying any attention to us, so I turned back to Scarlett. "If you don't tell Mummy," I whispered. "You can go get a cookie from the kitchen, ok?" She nodded, scrambling into the kitchen to get her cookie. I chuckled, standing up. Clover scampered over to me, barking happily. "Hey boy!! Are you hungry too?!" Like he understood, the little dog trotted over to his bowl, and sat down expectantly. I set out some food for Clover(A/N: the dogs name is Clover, btw!! ), before heading over to my exhausted fiancé. I put my arms around, taking the phone she was shouting into our of her grasp, and putting it up to my ear. "I'm really sorry, my fiancé is stressed, and needs some time to relax. We'll call you back."

She glared at me, before typing away on the tablet in her hands. "Oh no you don't." I warned, taking that too. "Niall! Give it back!" I shook my head, walking away and putting the devices on a high shelf where she couldn't reach them. "I need those.... We are getting married in a month and we're still not ready..." She started ranting about decorations and everything that wasn't done for who knows how long, before I finally stopped her. "Shh... Princess, you need to calm down." "I am calm!!" She yelled back, not sounding calm at all. "Go to sleep, love. You've been working yourself way too hard. It doesn't seem like you've slept in a week, and that's not good for you."

She huffed, but sat down on the sofa anyways. Clover jumped onto the sofa next to her, curling up to take a nap. Rosie grinned, and pet our puppy affectionately. She's really grown fond of him over these last few months. Scarlett came back from the kitchen, a trail of cookie crumbs behind her. She had chocolate chips and crumbs smeared all over her face, and Rosemary sighed. "Scar... I told you no more cookies until after lunch! You ruined your lunch.. What do you have to say for yourself?!" She looked down, ashamed. "Daddy told me I could have one, as long as I didn't tell you..." Rosemary's head snapped over to me, and I laughed nervously. "No I didn't... I don't know what she's talking about, love. She's lying....." I tried to defend myself, but it sounded fake, even to me.

Rosemary rolled her eyes, before kneeling in front of Scar. "Let's go get you cleaned up, yeah?" Scarlett nodded, and headed off to her room with Rosie. "Guess it's just you and me Clover..." I sat down next to the half-asleep puppy, who licked my hand before falling asleep again. "Daddy!!" Scarlett came running back out, and she jumped on the sofa, which spooked Clover. "What, baby?" I asked, as Scarlett hopped around. "Is Uncle Louis going to be there?!" I nodded, and Scarlett screamed. "I have to get ready!!" Then she ran off again. I snickered at her retreating figure, before picking up my phone. The lads said they would call when they were on their way, but so far, no call had come in yet.

As Rosemary walked back into the living room, her phone rang on the shelf I had placed it. "Shit!" She mumbled, before running to the door. "What's wrong, love?" I asked, as she pulled on a pair of shoes. "I forgot I had a dress fitting today!! That's was probably Kylee calling to tell me off for being late... I have to go. Love you Ni," she gave me a kiss, before shouting, "Love you Scar! Mummy's gotta go!!" She slipped out of the flat, despite my protests. Scarlett came in wearing blue pants, a striped shirt, and used one of my ties to make a 'suspender', so she would look like Louis. "Scarlett Brielle Horan... What are you wearing?!" I faked shock, and she laughed. "I wanted to dress like Uncle Louis!! Mummy told me what to wear.... Don't I look pretty Daddy?"

Sincerely, Yours....(Sequel to Dear future husband)Where stories live. Discover now