Origin: Episode I

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NOTE: OFA and AFO do not exist in this AU.

For 3 years Izuku slaved at the feet of the pro heroes. He learned and fought with his companions for what felt like a century. His power grew exponentially. His small telekinesis grew into a formidable force of nature. Which is what he named it, the force. But no matter how powerful he is, he will always be discriminated against it. You see, in this reality, everyone has a quirk. A lot of them are common such as telekinesis and super strength. Telekinesis is the most common. Izuku was lucky to be excepted. He became a beacon of hope for those of lesser quirks. His green suit gave those of lesser quirks somenoe to believe in, not just someone to look up to. He was an agent of Justice and all things righteous. But today, he's being replaced.

"What! How can you do this to me!?" Izuku shouted. His emerald eyes pleading with his teachers for an answer. "You are being replaced with another student. She has a more unique quirk so it's only natural." Said the Principal. He stood on the kitchen table as he addressed his students. "Are you serious? I've worked the hardest here to develop my power and you just threw it away like that?" He asked. "Midoriya, I must say that you have the plainest quirk here," Iida commented, "to protect the reputation of U.A. you should leave." Iida's eyes had no remorse. The bastard didn't even have the right to talk about uniqueness when all he does is bump steam from his calves and gets a speed boost.

"Is this how all of you feel?" Izuku asked in a hushed tone. They all nodded in sync... well except for Hagakure who simply waved arms. "Fine then. It was a pleasure serving with you. I'll pack my things." He said softly. He left for the elevator not wasting his time or tears on them.

"Sigh, was that really necessary principle Nezu? I mean, he worked so hard." Aizawa queried. "It was. Izuku Midoriya is irrelevant. Enter, Melissa Shield. She has a high-grade average and has a quirk known as Battle Meditation. She must be trained by us. Even more so since I've made a deal with her father, David Shield. His daughter becomes a student here, and we get access to his technology and services." "But sir, regardless of that, izuku is a public figurehead." "He will lead other common quirk users to their deaths! I can't have that on my conscience." "He's an inspiration!" "And a liability I am no longer responsible for." "You really are heartless, Nezu." "You do not know the half of my cruelty, Mr. Aizawa." "Just know that the public will not like it one bit." "No, the common quirks will not like it. The elite will flock to us like birds to worms and seeds." "How long had you planned this?" "Since Izuku got here. Miss Shield is from an island and was not allowed to get off that island until very recently. I kept Izuku because he would bring popularity to us. After he outlived his usefulness, I arranged for his removal." "That doesn't do him justice." "I show no favor. It's just good business."

Suddenly they all heard a thud outside Height's Stronghold. Everyone dashed outside to investigate. Upon arrival, they saw a corpse lying on the ground. Lifeless with no expression. It was Izuku's. His green locks were tainted by his own blood. The girls shrieked and some vomited while the boys looked on in regret and pain. "How unfortunate. For a man so powerful... He couldn't handle the shock of being let go. Pitiful."

Minutes earlier.

Izuku was in his room packing his things and silently cursing. Suddenly he heard a knock on his window. He looked out to see a man in a dark green costume with a bow and quiver strapped to his back. Izuku walked over and opened the window, "Who are you?" "I work for your father." "Prove it."

The man lifted his sleeve to reveal a diamond tattoo made up of 4 smaller diamond designs. The top left and bottom right were black and the opposite shapes were red. "I will come."

Izuku closed the window and exited his room making sure not to make any noise. He made use of the elevator and got to the summit of Heights Alliance.

"Why did my father send you?" "He has offered you a deal. He knew of your impending failure to remain at UA and created a contingency plan." "Contingency plan? You mean he knew I was going to be expelled?" "No, not exactly. More like... He had a hunch. You may or may not know but your father isn't just some rich guy. He also runs a small, government-approved vigilante program called The Agents Of Justice. We work above the law and bear the burden of death and sacrifice. We set things straight and live by a creed. Our mantra is what guides us."

"Mantra? What is it?" "Justice is blind. Not heartless." "What does this entail?" "You get a small house in a rural area. Steady pay for food and amenities. Utilities are paid for. You work 5 days a week and give a monthly report. Now, do you accept Mr. Midoriya?"

"Yes." "Good. Now you must die." "What!" The archer pointed to a body bag leaned against the grill of the roof. "We've prepared a clone. You will push him off the building. Ending your life as Izuku Midoriya and restarting it as The next Revan." "Revan?" "For centuries the role of Revan has been passed from father to son. It is a role of justice and truth. The armor that comes with it is premade by the father and passed down to his son of a student. The mask is to be forged by you and you alone. Now then, kill yourself."

Izuku used his quirk to slowly raise the body out of its bag and guided it over towards the ledge. "Good bye everyone. See you in hell."

Words 1025

Posted 21/2/2021

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