Origin: Episode IV

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One week later and I forgot to tell you but this is set in America btw.

A week later and Nezuko had begun learning to read and write. She learned quickly and had been making exponential process. Unfortunately, she had taken ill. During her abuse, she was poorly maintained. Her immune system was failing. Organ failure was imminent. Izuku needs to find a doctor who had enough knowledge and skill to help her. But none of them qualifies. Doctors in Musutafu are only good for family care and stuff and IZuku didn't have the jurisdiction to take a doctor from another city.

The Reverse-Flash. Eobard Thawne. A villain turn AOJ(Agent Of Justice). He was based in central city while izuku was in Musutafu which is an Asian run city. RF and Izuku had become friends during this past month since they were both new to the job. Right now they were in a bar talking about work.

"What do you need Eobard?" Izuku asked softly before taking a shot of his whiskey

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"What do you need Eobard?" Izuku asked softly before taking a shot of his whiskey. "I here Nezuko has taken ill. I've come with a proposition," He stated while taking a sip of root beer. "Ahhh that's good stuff. My nemesis, the Flash, is bugging me. No matter how many times I break him, he gets fixed." He said, obviously annoyed. "How do I fall into this?" Izuku queried. "I found his personal physician. Caitlin Snow. She's here in Musutafu. Get her out of this picture and I can slow down the Flash a little making my job easier. Deal." "Where do I find this, Caitlin Snow," Eobard smirked. He raised his drink and took a shot.

??? POV

I don't usually travel to Musutafu but I had to attend a seminar by a senior Japanese American surgeon from another city

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I don't usually travel to Musutafu but I had to attend a seminar by a senior Japanese American surgeon from another city. It was almost over so I decided to check out early. Plus I already know everything he was discussing better than most other doctors. I left the seminar with my handbag fixed over my shoulder. I exited the building and walked to the train station. I was walking past an alley when I felt something grab my arm and drag me inside. My attacker covered my mouth and spoke, "Scream and I slit your throat." His voice was almost robotic. It belonged to a man I've heard on the news. He released me and made me face him.

"Hello, Dr Snow." I was breathing heavily. I took the time to inspect him. He was tall. Like really tall, he had to be around 6'1 or maybe 2. His breathing was staccato making him even scarier. I stared into his helmet. It gave no emotion. No sign of worry. This was the man named Revan. My eyes trailed downwards. His outfit was simple and rugged. It looked casual but I could tell it was a higher grade than most. He had pistols on his hips... I hope they aren't for me. I felt his finger under my chin forcing me to look up. "It's rude not to make eye contact, Dr Snow."

The man in front of me was a murderer. "Y-y-you... you're a murderer... A monster. Please... don't hurt me." I pleaded. "I won't hurt you, Yet. I need your help." He said humbly. "M-my help?" I asked sceptically. "The doctors here in Musutafu are... How do I put this nicely?" He tried to find the right word. "Subpar?" I intervened. He cocked his head to the side like a curious puppy. "I was gonna say mediocre but that works as well." He said casually. "Anywho, I need your help. Medial wise. It's urgent." "Your dying?" "No. You'll find out soon enough, Doctor. But now I need you to sleep."

I felt a jolt to my head. My vision blurred and my body went limp. Sucks to be me I guess.


I awoke in a cell. It was pure white, almost blinding. I slowly rose to my feet and looked around. "Doctor Snow." I yelped at the sudden mention of my name. It was Revan. "How long have I been here?" I asked worriedly. "Long enough. Now then if you'd follow me." He opened my containment area and beckoned for me to follow. I cautiously walked out of my holding cell and behind him. We got to a junction point. I saw an open door on one end so I decided to make a run for it. Bad idea. Before I could even take 5 steps I was grabbed harshly and made to face the monster. I felt him squeezed my wrist painfully and his breathing became more frequent. "Do not make me hurt you, Ms Snow. A word to the wise, do not disobey me." He growled. I nodded and held back my tears. He then dragged me into a laboratory. It was just as advance as the one back at Flash-Base 1.

I saw a young maiden on a cot sleeping. Revan locked the door and made his way over to the girl. He discarded his robes leaving him in under armour and his helmet. Removing the helmet, I caught sight of his forest green locks. "Nezuko. Are you awake?" He spoke. The monstrous and dead voice he once adorned was replaced with a gentle, caring, maybe even soothing tone. It reminded me of my own father. "Is she the patient?" I asked. "Yes. I rescued her from an abusive father who'd murdered the rest. She had been malnourished for her entire life. Her immune system is giving up." He said sadly. "May I examine her?" I asked. "Please do doctor. I'll be upstairs. Call me on that phone dial phone if you need something," He turned around and stared me in the eyes. Emerald green orbs pierced my very soul. "And know, I am always watching."

He left me to my devices. He has freckles. And was so serious. I will admit he has my intrigue. Those green locks were so fluffy. "Mm. He left an audio recorder. Old school."

I clicked the record button.

"Subject has a small frame and obvious lack of nutrition. At eye value, I would guess she is undergoing a viral attack. She is sweating profusely and shivering indicating that she has a fever. Taking her temperature... her temperature is 104.1. Fever confirmed. From the knowledge given to me by her... Er um... Guardian, she was malnourished and abused. I suspect she may have weak bone structure and a lack of vitamin D. Her Guardian... The infamous Revan. A man of many words, but under the mask he's cold, calculating. He gives me the chills. Hopefully, I will be released after I finish with his ward."

Words 1137

Posted 26/2/2021

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