Chapter One

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Allison was excited when she woke up. Well, she wasn't excited that they were going back to school, but she was glad she would be getting to go with her brother at Welton, or as al the students called it, Helton. Her and her brother, Neil, were ready so their parents drove them to the school. When they got there they were all directed to the church. Allison sat with their parents and Neil went back to carry the flags.

She didn't understand why she couldn't sit with her friends.

The senior boys came in. Allison tuned out the blaring bagpipes and started looking around at all the boys she would be having class with. One with red hair caught her looking around and she smiled and waved. She chuckled when the boy just stared at her. She forgot that the boys hadn't gone to school with girls since they were in seventh grade.

Her dad nudged her and told her to turn around so she did.

An old man who she assumed was the schools headmaster stepped up to the podium after the bagpipes stopped. Her dad told her that his name was Mr. Nolan.

"One hundred years ago in 1859, forty-one boys sat in this room and were asked the same question that now greets you at the start of each semester. Ladies, gentlemen, what are the four pillars?"

All the students stood up so Allison did too. "Tradition! Honor! Discipline! Excellence!"

They all sat back down and Neil came over and sat next to Allison.

"In her first year, Welton Academy graduated five students. Last year we graduated fifty-one. And more than seventy-five percent of those went on to the Ivy league. This kind of accomplishment is the result of fervent dedication to the principles taught here. This is why your parents have been sending us your sons, and now you're daughters. This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States."

Allison was practically falling asleep as the headmaster droned on, but clapped with everyone else anyway. She glanced at her brother and couldn't believe that he looked like he was enjoying himself. He had heard this speech five times before this. How could he not be bored.

Who knows. Maybe he's just thinking about all the girls that he would be seeing around here.

When everyone stopped clapping Mr. Nolan started talking again.

"As you all know, our beloved Mr. Portius of the english department retired last term. You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement, Mr. John Keating. Himself a graduate of this school. And who, for the past several years, has been teaching at the highly regarded Chester School in London."

The man who Allison assumed was Mr. Keating stood up nodded at everyone.

Mr. Nolans speach was over so he dismissed everyone. Everyone stood up and started leaving the church. Allison wanted to go to the office and get her class schedule and find her room, but her dad wanted her to follow Him, her mom, and Neil around. And by that, they wanted her to meet Mr. Nolan.

She knew they only wanted to show off that Neil was still here, but she couldn't care less.

"So Allie, what do you think of Helton so far?" Neil asked.

He seamed really haply for a 17 year old on the first day of school.

"It's nice. I really just want to find my friends."

"Don't worry. You'll be able to see them soon."

They waited in what seamed to be a line of families waiting to talk to Mr. Nolan.

Allison recognized that it was the red haired boy from earlier and started eavesdropping on them.

"Glad you could come by." Mr. Nolan said.

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