Chapter Two

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Neil and his friends were already in the dining hall when Alexandra, Elizabeth, and Catherine walked in. They all got there early so they could puck their seats. The gurls sat next to the boys and left a seat open for Allison.

(How they are sitting:

Cath    Alex    Knox       Todd   Meeks
Alli      Lizzy   Charlie    Neil    Pits   

Neil noticed that Allison wasn't with them.

"Where is Allison?" He asked, leaning forward to see her friends.

"She's still talking to Mr. Nolan about her schedule. She should be back soon though since dinner is starting." Alex said.

He nodded his head and went back to catching up with his friends. A few minutes later Allison walked into the dining hall and sat down.

"Hey guys." Allison said smiling.

"Oh stop with the act. How was your meeting with Mr. Nolan?" Elizabeth asked.

Allison sighed and put her head in her hands and groaned. "Now, on top of Calculus, English, History, Chemistry, Latin, and study hall, I have Art, physics, and a teaching aid position."

"Why so many extra classes?" Charlie asked. They all saw him eavesdropping so he decided to join in on the conversation.

"My dad wants me to get ahead. As if taking trig over the summer wasn't enough." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, you're always welcome at study group if you need help." Knox said, chiming in.


Catherine was looking at Allisons new schedule. "Which teacher will you be aiding?"

"Mr. Keating. He's the new english teacher. I get to go there instead of study hall."

"This schedule is so confusing!" Alex practically yelled. "I have no idea what classes we have tomorrow."

Knox leaned over to look at her schedule. "So you'll have Chemistry 1st, Latin 2nd, History 3rd, English 4th, lunch, then trig 5th, then study hall."

"Thank you." She said smiling.

"Why do I have 2 6th periods?" Allison said out of frustration.

"They switch every other school day. You'll have art tomorrow and then your teaching aid the next day."

"Why is everything so complicated here?"

Catherine laughed at Allison. "Your a hot mess already and we haven't even had class yet."

Mr. Nolan walked into the dining hall and everyone fell silent.

"Welcome to the first dinner of this new school year. I would like to thank everyone in the staff for coming this year to teach these amazing students. And if course we thank you children for continuing coming to our school."

Everyone clapped and then they all stood up when the food was done being set out. They said their prayer and then everyone started eating.

Nothing really looked appetizing to Allison, so se settled with mashed potatoes and two slices of bread. Maybe she would work up the courage to eat the meat later in the week.

When they were finished they all headed back to their rooms. The girls were supposed to take showers first so they all headed to the locker rooms. They showered and put their pajamas on and headed back to their rooms.

Then the boys did the same thing.

It was 8pm and the four girls were all in Elizabeth and Catherines room. Allison had snuck cigarettes with her to school and the four of them were smoking.

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