Chapter Four

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The four of them decided to eat outside to avoid Neil.

"I cant believe he would believe a rumor like that! I mean we were all together last night and you barley know the kid!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"I know, but Neils just looking out for me." Allison said.

They heard someone walking by, but they ignored it.

"Even so, he shouldn't have embarrassed you in front if his friends like that." Carherine said.

"Its whatever."

"How are you four doing?"

They all looked up and it was Charlie.

"Could be worse." All four of then said at once.

He sat down with them.

"I am here on behalf of your brother and our group. I wanted to let you know that I believe you that you didn't sleep with Wilson. Wilsons just a little shit who likes to ruin peoples lives."

"Thank you Charlie."

"Anyway, I also have a message to deliver from Todd. He wants to know if Allison wants to study with him alone tonight."

"Oh, um. Sure. I mean, why not."

A sad look flashed across Charlies face, but it was only for a split second and it was gone. Allison noticed this, but chose not to say anything.

The rest of Charlies group came up to them and they were talking about Keatings old anual from when he went to Welton.

They all spotted Mr. Keating and started walking up to him.

Neil stepped foreward from the group and tried to get Keatings attention.

"Mr. Keating? Mr. Keating?" He said with no answer.

"Sir?" Said Knox. But Keating still didnt answer.

Allison decided to step forward. She smiled at Neil. They came to a silent agreement and spoke in unison.

"Oh captain, my captain?"

Keating immediately turned around and smiled at the group.

"Ladies, gentleman."

"We were just looking at your old school annual." Neil said, handing the book over to Keating.

Keating chuckled. "Oh my god. No, thats not me. God."

Neil looked over at the book. "Whats the dead poets society?"

Allison wasnt expecting him to ask the question so quickly. She was excited to hear Keatings response. She didn't realize until now, but deep down she wanted something that would bring the whole group together. There was a disconnect in whatever they were doing when the girls hung out with them. She knew they weren't used to having girls around, but she still felt weird about it.

Keating gave a sad smile. "I doubt the present administration would look to favorably upon that."

Allison couldn't help but feel disappointed. It was her who asked the next question.

"Why? What is it?"

"Can you all keep a secret?" Keating asked.

Allison nodded her head yes along with the others and felt that excitement creeping back into her. They all crouched around Keating so he wouldn't have to speak to loudly.

"The Dead Poets were dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life. That's a phrase from Thoreau that we'd invoke at the beginning of each meeting. You see we'd gather at the old Indian cave and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley; the biggies. Even some of our own verse. And in the enchantment of the moment we'd let poetry work its magic."

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