Chapter Three

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They all had lunch and then went to the rest of their classes. The boys had gym as an extra class on their schedules but the girls didn't. While Allie was glad she didn't have to take gym this year, she also realized it was extremely sexist and that the girls should at least be given the option to participate.

"So who wants to get started on homework while they do their gym thing?"

"Not me." Alex said.

The other two agreed with Alex.

"I say we hang out maybe go outside and enjoy the scenery or something and then study after dinner with the boys?" Elizabeth said.

"That actually sounds a lot better than studying. Lets go." Allison agreed.

They all went outside and found a table to sit at. Allison spent some time ranting about her father. And everyone else listened. After they had been out there for about half an hour a group of boys approached them.

"Hey ladies." The leader of the group said. He was tall pale and had black hair and blue eyes.

"Do we know you?" Elizabeth asked.

"No, but we know you want to. I'm sure your all excited to be going to school with boys."

"Eh. Its alright. It doesn't effect our education much."

"It should." He said with a smirk.

Allison stood up. "Well the four of us have loads of homework to do and you guys probably do to so we should get going."

Before the boys could respond the four girls were already walking away.

The boy with the dark hair was frustrated so he grabbed Allisons arm and turned her around to face him.

She was so surprised she couldn't speak and the other girls were frozen in place.

"Could we at least get your names?"

Allison glanced at Alex, Lizzy, and Catherine. They shrugged. They didnt know what to do either. But what harm could giving him her name do? She couldnt think of anything so she gave in.

"My name is Allison. Now I've got to get going so can you let go of my arm."

The boy just smiled at her.

She tried to pull away but he still didnt let go.

They heard someone cear their throat. "Is everything okay over here?" It was Mr. Keating.


"Okay Mr. Wilson let go of her and come to my office with me."

"But I didn't do anything!"

Keating just glared at the boy and it was enough to get him moving. Before Keating left he turned to the girls.

"Are you four alright?"

Allison shrugged. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

The other gurls just nodded their heads.

"Alright then. If you four ever need anything you can stop by my classroom."

"Okay. Thank you." Allison said and then smiled.

"You're welcome."

And with that he turned away to go deal with the kid.

"We should go back inside the boys should be getting out of class soon." Allison said and started walking towards the building.

"Hey are you okay?" Alex asked.

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