Chapter 6

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Rosalie didn't know what to believe. She didn't think Saul would be in on a prank if it was one and was starting to realize that what they had said might be the truth. And that was even scarier for the girl.

After storming out of Saul's office, she headed back to her little sister's suite. Lucky for her, the suite was completely empty. Seeing that it was only 11 o'clock in the morning and realizing she hadn't eaten anything yet, she decided to head to the cafeteria to grab a bite. Hopefully without running into Saul, Sky or Riven.

But luck apparently was not on her side. As soon as she set foot in the cafeteria, she saw the three guys she was dying to avoid, heavily discussing something over breakfast. As soon as she entered, it was almost like they sensed her, which they did, she just didn't know yet, and looked at her with hopeful eyes. Quickly tearing away her gaze from them, she grabbed some fresh fruit and yoghurt and headed back to the Winx suite.

Walking away from them somehow didn't feel right. But Rose was way too stubborn to give in to that feeling, so she continued walking, without sparing them another glance.

It hurt them. She didn't even want to look at them now. How was she ever going to love them back? Sky decided that he would ask Stella to talk to her, seeing as the blonde had grown quite fond of his mate. Hopefully it would make her believe that they were telling the truth.

Finishing her class at 3 o'clock, Stella saw the text Sky had send her along with the explanation as to why she needed to talk to Rose. Feeling bad for her friend and Rose's other mates, she told him she would help and that she was already on her way to their suite.

Quickly spotting the brunette girl scrolling through her phone while lying on the couch she asked if they could have a talk. Having not heard the blonde girl enter the suite, Rose was so startled she dropped her phone on her face. Stella couldn't hold her laugh and that and Rose soon joined in. Calming down after a while, Rose told her they could talk, so Stella started.

"I know you don't know a lot about the Otherworld, but soulmates do exist here. What Riven, Saul and Sky told you is real, Rosie. You are their soulmate, their world." "How? I'm just human. Why would I have a soulmate, let alone three?" "Because the universe decided so, Rose. Riven, Saul and Sky have been waiting for you for so long and now they finally found you. You can't deny the butterflies you feel when you are near them or the sparks when you touch." "This means my whole life is planned out for me, Stel, I won't get to decide who I want to fall in love with or get my heart broken by the wrong choice." "Is that such a bad thing if you have three soulmates wanting to make you the happiest woman alive each and every day, over and over again?" "You make me sound like a gigantic bitch" Rose grumbled before adding "I know that I should feel lucky and such but I also feel like I don't really have a choice in the matter. It makes me feel so incredibly powerless." "I understand Rose, but look at the bright side. You will have three guys who will love you forever and will make sure that everything you could ever want will be yours. Do you really want to walk away from that?" "No, I guess not." She sighed. "I just need some time, I guess." "Of course, Rosie. Just one thing. Not to pressure you or anything, but as long as you don't talk to them, or go near them, the guys will be in quite some pain." "Why?" "Usually when soulmates meet, the bond is instantly formed. For everyone it will be clear that you are soulmates and you will feel the need to be with each other as much as possible. Because you are human, you don't feel that need as much as they do. When you walked out of Saul's office this morning, you rejected them. As long as you don't make up it will keep hurting more and more until they eventually can't take it anymore. Rejection by your soulmate is the most painful thing you could ever feel." "Wait, are you saying they are in extreme physical pain right now?" Rose asked the blonde alarmed. "No, no, no, I'm just saying that it hurt them a little when you walked out on them, but if you continue to not talk to them and to not let them touch you, eventually it will start hurting them really bad."

"You know you made me feel like the worst person on this planet two times already during this conversation. Do you want to go for three?" Rose groaned. "I don't want to make you feel bad, Rosie, I just want you to understand. Just give them a chance. They were made for you for a reason." And with that, the other girls decided to enter the Winx suite, except Bloom.

"Hey guys, where's Bloom?" "Don't know, haven't seen her in a while." "I saw her talking to Beatrix a little while ago" Stella said from her spot next to Rosalie. "Wait, Beatrix?" Aisha asked. "Yeah, why?" "I heard ms. Dowling say that they suspect Beatrix killed Calum and they are looking for her right now." "Wait what? My little sister is walking around with a murderer?" Rosalie asked panicked. Feeling the urgency of the situation, the other girls were getting slightly panicked as well. "Fuck! Uhm, Aisha, you go get ms. Dowling, Terra, go get your dad, you two come help me look for Bloom" Rosalie said while quickly putting her shoes on, grabbing a jacket and rushing outside.

Receiving a text from Aisha that said a car had been stolen and they couldn't find Beatrix anywhere made Rosalie panic even more. "Okay, think, think" she said while pacing around. "Where are the cars stored?" "What do you want to do, Rose?" "I'm going after that lunatic murderer that has my sister, what the hell do you think I'm going to do?" "Rose, think this through, it's not safe" Musa said. "My sister, my responsibility. You're welcome to come, but with or without you, I'm going to go after her."

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