Dr Flug x Black Hat {My Dear (Part 2)}

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Requested by: me
Type: angst
Warnings: no
Note: Part two of My Dear. This is where Dr Flug has to go over seas to a very important conference.

Dr Flug's POV

Friday morning, was the morning of a big day! The day I was going to France, for the conference that will change my life forever. In a good way of course. Black Hat wasn't too happy I was leaving. I knew he'd miss me, heh.. I pack up the nicest of the suits I had, and took lots of money with me. Let's see, my clothes, money, hygiene products, yeah, I think I'm good to go! I set everything in a passenger bag. There was a knock at my door. "Come in!" I call. Demencia slivered in, and hugged me tight.

"We're gonna miss you so much!" She cried out.

"Demencia, I won't be gone long! I may be two or three days. I promise, I'll be back-."

"You better." I look at the door, Black Hat leaning against the door frame with his arms folded. I chuckle as I pry Demencia's arms off me, and I walk to him.

"I will. I promise you." I tell him, with a smile. He looks off to the side. "Come on sir, don't be like that.." I hug him. He tensed. I quickly let go, and giggled a little. "Aha.. sorry.." I mumbled. He muttered under his breath and fixed his tie a little as he looked away, I saw a small tint of green dust across his cheeks. I walked back to my bags, and took them out to our car that we hardly use. 5.0.5 wasn't too happy I was leaving either, so as soon as I set them in the trunk, and slammed it shut, I walked inside the mansion, and hugged 5.0.5, who was whimpering. "Don't worry, bud. I'll be home soon.." I smiled at him, he stopped whimpering but that didn't mean he was happy. Black Hat walked past me to the car and got in the drivers seat. I let go of 5.0.5, and he walked into the back seat, as Demencia got in next to him. I finally got in the passenger seat. He started the car, and drove out of the driveway. Demencia was rambling to me about how she's going to miss me, and 5.0.5 was making noises in agreement. I look at Black Hat. He had the look of unsettlement, displeased. He doesn't seem so good.. he never looks like that... "Black Hat..? Sir..?" I asked. He eyeballed me for a second, before looking back at the road.

"Yes..?" He asked quietly.

"Are you doing okay..? You look upset.." I asked him. He blushed a little.

"I-I'm not upset, idiot." He tensed. I shook my head with a quick eye roll. He's gonna miss me..

Later, 5.0.5 and Demencia had fallen asleep, much to my surprise that she was knocked out. Black Hat hesitated. "You better come back, I don't wanna deal with these two idiots for too long." He said. I chuckle to myself. I text Demencia, saying that Black Hat and I would be back, as I heard her phone pop a notification. I get out of the car, he does too, and we take the few things I packed inside the airport. We sit down in the waiting area, my ticket held tightly in my hand. "Hey.." he said. I looked at him. "When you get there.. uhm.. be sure to text me.. tell me you landed safely.. please..." he mumbled. Aww, he's concerned..

"Of course I will, sir!" I smile wide. A woman tapped my shoulder.

"Sir, we cannot wear masks such as that in the building, please remove it." I look up to she was holding a small child's hand. I sigh, and hold the sides of the bag, Black Hat takes my hand.

"You may keep it on if you want to, miss, your are excused." He look at her with a glare. She quietly made a small noise, and yanked her child away. I blush as he's still holding my hand. And pulls his hand back and mutters under his breath. I giggle.

"Thanks." I tell him, and he actually smiled sweetly for once. "God, I'm so excited to go to France! I've always wanted to go, I've heard it's a beautiful place! The cities, the food, the clothes! I know the basics of the language, so I'll get around pretty easily!" I ramble to him.

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