A Friend

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"Alright, I know Backupsmore wasn't anyone's first choice, but what we lack in prestige, we make up for in mostly bug free dorms!"

The man on the stage raised his arms in a motion of what appeared to be forced pride. He's right about it not being the first choice part. You thought wryly. Things felt completely and utterly hopeless. Of all the schools in the country, Backupsmore University was far from where you wanted to be. And yet, there you were, sitting in one of the many red chairs of the auditorium at the inauguration.

Your (e/c) eyes scanned the room. There were so many people here. An unwelcome twinge of anxiety ignited in you, and you tighten your grip on the arm rests to ground yourself.

"I'm sure your families are proud!" The man continued. "More or less!"

You were unsure if that final comment was meant to be encouraging or an insult. The man finished his speech with a "Thank you," and then disappeared behind the orange stage curtains. Frowning, you stood and made your way out of the auditorium. You tucked your hands into your (f/c) coat pockets and sighed. It was the first day, and you already hated the school. It was going to be a long four years.

Your hands brushed against the spines of the books that lined the tall, old, wooden shelves. The lights above you flickers occasionally, and the strange, yellow wallpaper of the library didn't make for an ideal working environment, but you would take what you could get. Backupsmore, you decided, was a far cry from where you wanted to be. However, you weren't going to allow that to deter you from your plans of graduating and pursuing your dream career.

A tap on your shoulder interrupted you from your train of thought. You gasped a little, then turned your head to see a very flustered man standing behind you. "Oh, dear, I didn't mean to startle you," He said sheepishly, "I just, well, I just need to reach a book." As he stammered, you scanned the shelf.

"No, no, it's alright. Just lost in thought. Which book is it?"

"Is there one on quantum physics by any chance?"

You pulled an orange book from the shelf and wiped away the dust that had accumulated on the cover. "Is this it?" You asked.

The man nodded and took the book from you. As he did so, you couldn't help but notice his hands. You looked at the additional sixth finger for a moment, but then turned to face the man again, deciding not to mention anything about it. "Thank you," He said, pushing his black-framed glasses up a little more. "Don't mention it," You said, a smile working its way onto your lips.

"I'm Stanford. Stanford Pines." He introduced, extending a hand. You reached out and took it. "(Y/N) (L/N)." You said with a smile. You glanced over your shoulder before continuing, slightly lowering your voice. "This place wasn't your first choice either, was it?"

Stanford sighed and rubbed his temples. "Absolutely not."

"Where were you planning on going?" You asked. Stanford motioned for you to follow him, and you obliged, settling in a metal chair across from him. Several books were stacked on top of one another, with various worksheets and notebooks cluttering the space. "I did want to go to West Coast Institute of Technology," He explained. "but that, well, that didn't really work out." His gaze broke from your eyes and transfixed on the ground. You decided not to push the subject.

"What about you?" He asked, breaking the silence. "Where were you going to go?"

You thought for a minute. "Anywhere from here would've been great. Nothing big like West Coast Tech, but probably something a little more close to home." Stanford nodded. "Where are you from?"

"(Y/S)." You said. "I suppose the whole local thing just wasn't meant to be," You shifted your attention to the cluttered desk. "You have a lot of stuff here,"

Stanford turned to look, then nodded. "I intend on getting out of here as fast as possible," He said with a humorless chuckle. "I want to finish ahead of the game, you know?"

"Understandable," You agreed. "I would want to do the same thing."

Ford thought for a minute. "Are you majoring in anything science related by any chance?"

"Physics, actually." You answered. Stanford nodded thoughtfully, thinking for a few moments. "We'll help each other out." He said finally. You focused your gaze back up to him. "I'd... I'd like that a lot, Stanford."

"Please, call me Ford. And it's no problem at all, really. It'd be nice to have some support here. A friend." A smile grew on his face, and you found yourself returning it with a smile of your own. "A friend," You confirmed. 

A Friend (Stanford Pines x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now