Are You Real?

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You couldn't move. Your brain seemed to have disconnected entirely from your body, rendering it immobile. Thoughts swam in your mind in no coherent order or organized fashion, just hurtling themselves at you as they pleased. This very moment has been envisioned in your dreams countless times, and here it was happening now. 

"Finally, after all these years of waiting, you're actually here!" Stan exclaimed. He didn't even seem shocked by his precense, nor deterred by the intense look that took over his features. Stan rose to his feet and strode over to Ford, arms outstretched. "Brother!"

Without missing a beat, Ford raised his fist and slammed it into Stan's jaw. Stan reeled back in surprise, reaching for his face instinctively. "Ow! What the heck was that for?!"  

"This was an insanely risky move, restarting the portal! Didn't you read my warnings?!" Ford asked angrily. His voice was gruffer with more depth than you remembered. It wasn't quite  the same voice that whispered inside your mind whenever you re-entered the waking world, dreams clinging to you like cobwebs that couldn't be shaken away on their own. You longed to hear it for so long, but you weren't expecting to be angry.

"Warnings schmarnings," Stan waved his bandaged hand dismissively before crossing his arms over his chest. "How's about maybe a thanks for saving you from what appears to be, I dunno, some kinda sci-fi, sideburn dimension?" 

Ford stopped listening, his eyes scanning the room as though he was just now realizing he and Stan weren't the only two people present. He looked at the children, then at Soos. He whipped his head around the room in alarm. "Stan, where is she?" he asked, voice rising in urgency. "Where's Y/N?"

Right as he finished posing the question, he turned, then his eyes met yours. His expression softened. Your legs suddenly remembered how to work, and slowly, you made your way to stand up. Your arms fell to your sides. Ford looked you up and down, a fragile, pensive expression on his face. The few seconds that you two stared at one another felt like hours. Everyone's eyes were on you both, but you barely even noticed them now. They felt so far away, it didn't even matter. When Ford began to approach, you sucked in a sharp breath. Seeing you physically wasn't enough+. He stopped a few inches away from you, hand hovering in pause, before he slowly placed it on your shoulder. His movements were slow and careful, as though he was afraid that if he acted too suddenly, he'd startle you. Your (E/C) orbs locked onto his brown ones, which had grown warmer the longer he stared at you. Your body seemed to move to its own accord, no longer paying your mental commands any mind. 

"Are you real?" The words were scarcely above a whisper, but you spoke them all the same. Ford's entire cold, intense demeanor melted away, his face cracking into a wide smile as he threw himself at you. Immediately, your arms wrapped around his torso and pulled him closer against you. Any distance was too much distance. You needed him close, to hold him down and confirm that you weren't about to wake up from a beautiful, taunting dream. Ford's fingers made their way to your hair, tracing down the many locks soothingly, just as they always used to. "You're here," you whispered to the room in general. "You're real." You allowed yourself to bury your face in his cloak, absorbing his scent and warmth. 

"I never thought I'd see you again," he murmured. "I thought... I..."

Mabel stepped closer, smiling broadly. "Hey, hi, Mabel here! Quick question: what the heck is going on here?!"

Ford held you for a moment longer, then drew back. You stood in place, not quite ready to release him, and he seemed to sense this, as he intertwined his hand in yours. He's still here. It's okay.  "Stan, you didn't tell me there were children down here," Ford said, his tone almost sheepish. "And some sort of... large, hairless gopher?" He gestured over at Soos with his free hand. 

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