Coming Home

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Stan had to physically pull you away from the shack. It took some gentle pushing and some coaxing, but eventually, he was able to pull you back and lead you away from the shack's remains. It wasn't suitable to live in. Not anymore. Soos graciously offered temporary shelter at his abuelita's house, which Stan accepted. You were barely listening. Your mind felt disconnected from your body, as though you were a spectator, watching the world go by. It almost didn't feel real, but the agony festering in your chest reminded you that it was. 

That's how the remaining hours of the day went. They whizzed by, your mind barely comprehending them. The world felt insubstantial. You stared up at the ceiling of the small home, listening to the deep breathing and soft snores of the people around you. It was a cramped space, you had to admit, but you weren't going to look the gift horse in the mouth. Until you and Stan could get back on your feet, this would have to work. 

Stan. You had absolutely no idea how he could keep his conman facade up. His home was gone, his brother was gone, seemingly for good, everything he owned remained in the shack, and now, he had two children depending on him. His mind should have been overrun with dark memories and stress, and you were sure that it was. But he barely seemed fazed by it all. You had been with him long enough to know how he responded to stress, but this was so out of character for the gruff charlatan. 

Dipper's high pitched scream tore you from your thoughts. You bolted upright and jerked your head to face him. He sat up, panting and trembling. "I just had a horrible dream that Gideon stole the deed to the Mystery Shack and kicked us out... and... we all had to live with Soos' grandma." The last part of the sentence rose in pitch, resembling a question. Soos shifted beside him. "That was no dream, dude," 

Dipper screamed again, this time successfully rousing everyone. He had an awful stress response. Abuelita tugged on the string to the lamp, providing soft light that lit up the several photos of Soos hanging on the walls. She reached for the remote and gently shushed him. "Por favor,"

"Uh, sorry... abuelita," Dipper said sheepishly. 

"Oooh, Soos! Your grandma is so adorable!" Mabel squealed in delight, innocently oblivious to the grave situation. She leaned closer and placed a hand on the elderly woman's cheek. "And her skin is old lady soft," she mused in a hushed tone.

"Mabel, quit bein' creepy!" Stan demanded. "The news is finally on." You all redirected your attention to the screen. "In a move that has all of Gravity Falls buzzing, child physic Gideon Gleeful has taken surprise ownership of the Mystery Shack, previously belonging to area shyster Stanford Pines." The screen flicked to a file photo of Stan, dressed in a devil costume, frozen in place with a malicious grin on his face, surrounded by flames. You all gave him a questioning look. Unruffled, he scratched his side with a deadpan expression. "That picture's taken out of context,"

Deciding you didn't want to know the context, you looked back at the screen, which now broadcasted Sandra Hermenez and Gideon Gleeful. Just seeing the boy made your blood boil in your veins. You tightened your grip on your sleeping bag to steady yourself. "Now that you have the shack, what exactly are you planning to do with it?" Sandra lowered the microphone within Gideon's reach, smiling at him fondly. It seemed as though everyone in town was swayed by his easy flattery. "I have a big announcement to make today, and I'd like to cordially invite all the good people of Gravity Falls to join me! Free admission to everyone who wears their Gideon pins!" he branded his pin with a flourish, his smile too wide for comfort. "It's my face!" he winked.

"I just can't believe Gideon beat us," Dipper's entire demeanor fell, sagging forward in defeat. "Normally, I'm able to save the day. This is all my fault." Before you could interject and insist that this was far out of the boy's hands, Mabel spoke up. "Don't worry, Dipper. Looks like Mabel is gonna have to be the hero of the family, now. I'll defeat Gideon with my grappling hook!"

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