She Said Yes!

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You opened the door to your dorm, and the old, wooden door obliged with an ear-piercing creak that made you cringe. You stood at the threshold for a moment, gazing at the space. The room was small and bare, with pale white walls and stiff, blue carpet beneath your shoes. This place needs a lot of work. You thought dryly as you closed the door behind you.

Upon arrival, you did the bare necessities of decorating. You put your sheets on the small bed that lined against the left wall. You placed your lamp and alarm clock on the small nightstand beside it. The school, surprisingly, supplied desks for the dorms, but when you looked at it more closely, you realized that it had slowly begun to wear down from all the years of use it had endured. You only placed a few of your books and some framed photos on it tentatively, unsure of how much weight it could really support.

You turned your head to look at your suitcase. It was still packed with most of your clothes and other items. You had been pushing off unpacking ever since you arrived, but now, you finally had the motivation to do it completely. You unzipped your (F/C) suitcase and looked down at the clothing you brought along. You crossed the room and pulled open the closet. Two clothing-hangers hung on the rod inside. Well, there's one reason to go to the store.

You picked up two shirts and hung them, making a mental note to go to the store tomorrow so you could get more hangers. You placed your hands on your hips and scanned the walls, allowing your creativity to circulate.


You flopped back onto your bed, marveling at your handiwork with pride. The walls had been covered with different posters and bulletin boards, where you stuck photos of you, family, and friends with pushpins. You managed to fit your pajamas and shorts into the dresser, and you placed a small potted plant on your desk. It wasn't home, but it wasn't as miserable as it had been when you first entered the space.

Maybe sometime I can bring Ford in here. Your eyes widened at your own thought, and you quickly pushed it away. You weren't sure why, but Ford somehow kept popping into your mind. We're just friends. You tried to reassure yourself. No more, no less. You groaned and hopped up, flicked off the lights, then burrowed into your blankets again. The silence of the room felt heavy. It rang in your ears, leaving you vulnerable. You flipped over and reached for a photo on your nightstand. Through the dim light the window provided, you stared at a photo of you and your parents. You all beamed happily at the camera. A wave of homesickness overcame you, and you closed your eyes, trying to fall asleep before the pain could overwhelm you further.

"Whoa," you said as you caught up to Ford. "Did you sleep last night? At all?"

He waved you off, wiping his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I got to bed pretty late, though."

"How late is 'pretty late?'" You asked. Ford had his hands tucked in the pockets of his pants. His blue, collared dress shirt was wrinkled slightly. His brown tresses were in slight disarray, and the darkness that had accrued beneath his eyes was a stark contrast from his typical, clean appearance. He shrugged. "I want to say around three, four in the morning?"

"Ford!" You exclaimed. "Why so late?"

"I got carried away!" He tried to justify it. "I just lost track of time, I guess. I don't know." You sighed and looked down at the pavement. Ford watched you curiously. "Well, what time did you go to sleep last night?" He asked.

"Ten-thirty, like a normal person who has to wake up at seven in the morning for classes. I mean, how are you even functioning right now?" You asked.

Ford grinned a little. "I may or may not have had three cups of coffee this morning," You rolled your eyes. "Of course you did."

Ford averted his gaze back up to the blue sky. You were on your way to your classes, and thankfully, you both started the day in the science building. Other students made their way along beside you, not paying you any mind. Birds chirped overhead, and the sun provided a comfortable warmth on your back.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Ford started. You turned to face him. He looked anywhere except directly at you. "So, I was thinking... Well, how would you feel about heading to grab a drink with me after class today?" He kicked at the ground nervously. "Only if you want to! Don't... don't feel like you have to, because it's completely your choice." He added the last part quickly. A smile forced its way to your lips. "I would love to," You said eagerly. "How about at four? We can meet at the library?"

Ford finally turned to look at you, grinning widely. "That sounds great!" He agreed. You couldn't help but giggle a little at his excitement. He opened the door to the science building for you. "I'll see you then!"

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to it." You said as you entered. You watched as he turned down the hall, moving away from you.

Ford's POV:

She... she said yes! I thought as I continued to grin like an idiot. I can't believe she said yes! I tightened my grip on my backpack straps. Something about her was different, but I can't quite make it out. The way she had similar interests to me, the way she was so willing to get through college, just as I was. My eyes fell to my hands. The way she didn't even say anything. She had to have seen, but she didn't say anything. She treated it like it wasn't even there. My stomach did cartwheels as I stepped into the lecture hall. I took my respective seat, trying to contain my excitement and restlessness. 

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