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"Hey, (Y/N), what's this?"

You turned your head, unsure of what he was asking about. He was holding your anomalies book. "Oh, that? It's a book." You said, not really thinking. Ford rolled his eyes. "Gee, thanks."

The mistake suddenly clicked. "Oh, don't mention it," You said, attempting to play it off. You sat on your bed beside him. "It's just a book on anomalies." Ford nodded slowly. "Do you mind if I..." He gestured down at the cover.

"Not at all!" You said. Ford thanked you and opened the cover. He skimmed through the first page, then stopped. You watched him nervously, trying to decipher the emotion that was displayed on his face. You tried to follow his gaze. Oh.

Of course he had stopped at that line. You re-read it again: "Perhaps you have an anomaly and aren't even aware of it."

Ford averted his gaze from the words to one of his hands. He clenched it firmly into a fist, seemingly glaring down at it. "I really need to get them amputated," He said scornfully. Your eyes widened. "Ford! No, you don't!"

"I should, (Y/N)! Think about it. All my life, I've been teased for the extra fingers. I've been called every single degrading name under the sun: Freak, mutant, mistake, the list goes on and on!" The disdain was evident in his voice. Ford was never one to get angry, especially not around you. You had seen him irritated, but he never lashed out. The Ford that sat beside you now was a stranger to the shy, gentle one you were accustomed to. "If I was finally rid of this, I would-"

"Be losing something that makes you, you." Ford paused, startled by your sudden input. "W-What?" He turned to meet your eyes. You grabbed his hand, holding on tightly. "Ford, it's not something to be ashamed of. I know you're self-conscious, but it's what makes you who you are. It's special. The world would be boring without diversity. I find anomalies quite fascinating, and this is no exception. It never once made me uncomfortable. If only you saw yourself the way I see you,"

The acrimony on his face melted away, leaving a vulnerable one in its place. Now, he looked like the Ford you knew. He looked down at his hands. "Do... do you really mean that?"

"I do, Ford. I really mean that." You picked up the book. "In fact, this is my favorite book. Maybe... maybe you should read it? I know you're pretty busy with your studies to take too long of a break, but I really do think you would be interested in this." Ford looked at it doubtfully. "It's not degrading to people with anomalies," You added. "He goes into extensive detail. It's clear the author is rather fond of them." Ford took the book from your hands. "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt,"

Brown eyes met your (E/C) ones. You were close to him, and typically, it would make you anxious to be this close to someone. But in that moment, you had a strong desire to be even closer. Without really thinking, you found yourself giving into the desire, inching closer. Your eyes closed. Your lips connected with Ford's. Like Ford, the kiss was gentle. He grabbed your (H/L) (H/C) and trailed his hands down the soft strands.

This continued for another few moments until you broke away. You opened your eyes again, his hand still on your hair, slowly gliding down to your shoulder. His face, like yours, was bright red. So many thoughts swirled through your stunned mind, just out of reach, and you were unable to grasp onto one to vocalize.

"Wow..." Ford whispered.

"Yeah," was all you could muster, "Wow..." An apology made its way to your tongue, and you opened your mouth to vocalize it, but then quickly swallowed it down. You didn't owe him an apology. Ford cleared his throat, still staring into your eyes. "I'm... at a loss for words."

"Don't lie to me," You said, feeling a flair of uncharacteristic cockiness. "I know you liked it."

"W-Well, of course I liked it." Ford stammered. "I just..." You cut him off by pulling him close and connecting your lips again. The rest of his sentence died away as he immediately kissed you in return. "There, I said it for you." You chuckled as you pulled away again. Ford nodded. "I couldn't have said it better myself, (Y/N)."

Time Skip -- Next Day

"You're still reading that book?" You took your seat across from Ford, and he looked up. "Well, not exactly. This is my second time reading it." He tucked his bookmark into the page. "I knew you would like it," You said. Ford grinned up at you. "You're good like that, (Y/N)." He looked down at his workspace as he spoke again, growing anxious with each word. "So, (Y/N), I was thinking... The year is ending soon, and we both did manage to get ahead of schedule with our degrees and whatnot. What if... during the summer, maybe..." He shook his head, burying his head in his hands in exasperation. "My Ma wants to meet you."

"You told her about me?" You asked with amusement.

Ford shrugged. "You're my first real, serious girlfriend. I had to." He said in defense. The word 'serious' made you a little more excited. Ford continued. "And, well, she wants to meet you. We'd be going back to New Jersey, if you're okay with it. It would mean a lot to me,"

"Ford, I'd be delighted to." You said, soothing his fear. Relief washed over him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He said. "I haven't seen my parents since I came here. Or heard from them much, for that matter," He added the last part hesitantly.

"I understand," You said. "It's been busy. I'm sure she's not upset. You shouldn't worry about it,"

"She's not the one I'm worried about," Ford said dryly. Understanding suddenly dawned on you. "Your father..."

Ford crossed his arms and turned to stare at the hideous wallpaper. "He's a strict man, (Y/N). He's... not easily impressed." You considered this in your mind for a few moments. "Well, why should his input matter?" You asked. Ford looked back at you and raised an eyebrow. "I mean, you're happy in this relationship." You stopped. "Or, at least, I hope you are, anyway. That should be what matters. His approval shouldn't define you."

"I... I suppose you're right," Ford agreed after a moment's pause. "Thanks, (Y/N),"

You grinned and waved it off. "Don't thank me, Ford. It's what I'm here for."  

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