The Unsuccessful Test

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Ford held his hand on the lever, his grip tight and full of determination. He studied it for a moment, then turned to us. You weren't sure what expression was on your face. Fiddleford's agitation had rubbed off on you, but as apprehensive as you were, you couldn't help but feel somewhat curious. You stood at the threshold between the only home you had ever known and another world entirely. Anything could be possible because anything could have been awaiting you on the other side. The scientist in you was curious, and you couldn't push it away. 

After the moment's pause, his resolve returned, and he pushed the lever. Our eyes turned to the machine, watching in anticipation and shock as it sputtered to life. Vibrant blue light illuminated in the symbols engraved in the design, slowly spreading to the center, casting the room in a blue light. Our jaws dropped in complete awe. We did it. After months of work, the machine was on and functioning. Quickly regaining your composure, you snapped yourself out of the shock and walled over to Ford. The force of the portal made the clothing that hung to your body billow slightly. You planted your feet firmly on the ground. 

Fiddleford came over, holding the test dummy in his hands. When planning the event, you three could all agree that it was too dangerous to step in yourselves. Not when you didn't know what awaited you. As a solution, you agreed to send a test dummy into the portal. If it came back unscathed, then your test was successful. 

"Ready," Ford announced, "And-"

Ford never got to finish his sentence. Without warning, Fiddleford's body began to levitate in the air as we released our grip on the dummy. Confused, your eyes flew wildly around. Your heart dropped. He had left the rope attached to his wrist, and now he was being pulled in, too. You watched in helpless terror as Fiddleford released a cry as he was pulled in. Fear rendered your limbs useless as you watched. Ford, on the other hand, had a much more efficient reaction. He strode forward and grabbed the rope, stopping Fiddleford from flying in entirely. Now, all you could make of him was the lower half of his body. 

"I gotcha, buddy!" Ford shouted over the commotion. The machine whirred and beeped furiously. The words jarred you, and the spell was broken. Shaking your head and cursing, you ran forward and grabbed the rope, helping Ford pull with all the strength you could muster. Much to your relief, the rope didn't snap from the force, and slowly, more of Fiddleford appeared, until finally, he was pulled out completely. 

The force of the rejection sent you, Fiddleford, Ford, and the dummy flying backward. You landed on your back, the air completely leaving your lungs in a pained gasp. You hopped to your knees and crawled over to Fiddleford. 

"What is it?" Ford asked as he followed suit, kneeling beside his assistant. "Is it working? What did you see?"

Fiddleford stared up at the ceiling, holding his arms close to his body like a shield. His eyes were wide and full of fear. He opened his mouth, a slur of incomprehensible words streaming out. You grabbed his shoulder, trying to steady him. His frame trembled beneath your grasp, increasing your concern more than you thought it could. 

"Fiddleford?" Ford asked, confused. Suddenly, Fiddleford tore out of your hold and sat up. He didn't acknowledge you or Ford's questions. "When Gravity Falls and Earth become sky, fear the beast with just one eye." 

Your heart sank. While you and Fiddleford weren't the closest during your college years, you had grown close during your time working together. Seeing him this traumatized shattered you. "Fiddleford, get a hold of yourself! You're not making any sense!" Ford extended his hand and placed it on his friend's shoulder. In response to the touch, he pulled away, grabbing the spot where Ford's hand once been as though it had been damaged. "This machine is dangerous," he said, "You'll bring about the end of the world with this."

"Fiddleford-" You started, trying to provide some comfort. 

"No, Y/N!" He snapped, turning to look at the portal. The fear was clear in his eyes as he stared at it like a zookeeper trapped in a cage with a snarling tiger. He shifted his attention back to Ford, who watched his friend with his jaw agape. Fiddleford reached over and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Destroy it before it destroys us all!" he implored. 

"I can't destroy this! It's my life's work!" Ford cried in protest. Fiddleford released his grip and dragged his hands to the dirt floor beneath him, staring down at them intently. "I fear we have unleashed a grave danger on the world. One I just as soon forget." He rose from his crouched position and stood to walk away. "I quit." he said over his shoulder.

Ford followed suit, jumping to his feet and holding his hands in clenched fists. "Fine!" He shouted after his former partner. "I'll do it without you! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!"

The words struck you like a slap in the face. Slowly, you made your way to your feet, taking a few steps back from Ford. His words rang in your mind, increasing the sting. "I don't need anyone!" It was as though he had forgotten your presence in the room entirely when he uttered them. 

Just as quickly as it came, his anger melted away. He turned his head from side to side, as though he was searching for something. "What? Who said that?" He reached his hands over his ears, as though to muffle the sound of voices. Your hurt was replaced by concern. "Who... who said what?" You forced out. Ford didn't acknowledge your question. Instead, he staggered back until his back was met with one of the many machines inside the room. His eyes were wide as he scanned the room for something, though for what, you were unsure. He reached a hand to his hair, pulling on it slightly as his brown eyes landed on yours. "What have I done?" He asked.

For once, you didn't have an answer, because you were just as stunned and clueless as he was. Whatever was on the other side of the portal, whatever was enough to send Fiddleford into madness and rage, was now streaming into your reality. You lacked the words to offer any form of solace. Ford approached the machine with shaky steps. He stared up at the machine like he was seeing it in a new light. He pulled on the lever, deactivating it. The noise died down as the room returned to darkness. "This was a mistake." He dragged his hands over his ears again, screwing his eyes shut. 

Helpless to assist in any way, you looked back up at the machine. While you had been bracing yourself for failure, which was always a possibility, you couldn't have imagined anything like this coming once you activated the portal. What have we done? 

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