New Years

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"Hooray for New Years!" My mother squealed. She was an absolute sucker for New Year's Day. At least it made her forget about my grades.

I gave my mom a hug, then headed up to my room.  My house was rather large, I have a family that was very privileged.  There wasn't much I had to complain about in my life, I have it all.  Good friends, style, popularity, money, a loving family, and so on.  The only problem was my grades.  No matter how hard I tried, I just could not pass algebra and physics with flying colors.

    9:34 pm the clock had read.  I went over to my dresser and grabbed an oversized t-shirt to sleep in.  I had to go to bed early, school starts up again tomorrow.

I slipped under my comforter, and turned off the bedside table lamp. While resting my eyes, a knock at my door came along.

"Come in I guess." I turned the lamp back on, the lightbulb still hot from being on only minutes before.

My mother came with a gentle smile on her face, "Hi sweetie. All tucked in and cozy I see." She came and sat down on the side of my bed.

"Mhm. Do you need something?" I rubbed my tired eyes.

"I wanted to wish you sweet dreams. I also want you to speak to Mr. Jurel tomorrow about earning extra credit."

    "Alright.  Goodnight, I love you." She kissed my cheek goodnight and turned off the light. I don't know how she managed to find my bedroom door in complete darkness.

Off to sleep I go.

             The next morning

    I woke up more groggy than usual.  It always sucks to go back to school after a 2 week break.  I lazily rolled out of bed and got dressed.  Nothing special, just a cute sweater, light jeans, headband, and keds.  Walking down the stairs, I got a good whiff of pancakes.  I prefer waffles but whatever. 

    "Are you excited to go back? You haven't been at school in practically a year." Mom wheezed.

     I didn't even acknowledge the joke, "No not excited, anxious."  I plopped down at the kitchen table. 

     "Oh sweetie, it's gonna be great!  You'll see your friends and get your grades up." 

      "Yeah."  I huffed as I grabbed a pancake and some bacon.  Turning it into some kind of sandwich, "Gotta go mom, love you." 

    "Love you too."  I hurried out the door before she could shower me with kisses.  I didn't want to be late.

Scurrying down my front steps, my friend Lori had already been waiting for me in her car. She drives me to school everyday. Even the days she's not going to school herself.

"Hey Brandi." She had greeted.

"Hey." I said rather quiet, grabbing the seatbelt and buckling in.

"Something wrong? Or is it just a stick in your ass." Lori teased and started driving.

"No. I'm just not too thrilled about having to earn extra credit."

"Gross. What're you gonna get extra credit for?"

"I failed two classes last semester. So I have to ask my study hall teacher on how I'm supposed to get those grades up to a C."

"Mr. Jurel?"


     Lori nodded and parked next to the sidewalk. We both got out, and walked towards the school.

Extra Credit / / Eddie Pilikian Where stories live. Discover now