9. | Death Doesn't Like Negotiations

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I've met death

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I've met death. Hell, I've been the messenger of death, but watching him die was a sensation that brought anguish.

I didn't expect to feel this way as I watched Derek falter between life and death. I didn't expect to be begging a God I didn't even believe in to let Derek live. But as I watched him breathe heavily in pain, I was seconds away from falling to my knees to pray for him to live another day.

"Where are you taking me?" Derek sputtered out, his eyes wavering between closing and being forced open. I watched him from the back seat through the review mirror, my blood boiling at the sight of him.

I wasn't angry at him for being in the state he was in, but I was beyond angry with the hunter that shot him. My loyalty to Scott was wavering as I thought of ripping out his girlfriend's father's heart with my bare hands, and that was scaring me. The fact that I cared about Derek so much that I would betray one of my best friends was dangerous, but I couldn't stop it. I felt protective of him, and I wished I didn't.

Derek was closed off, snappy, and a downright prick, but I saw a side of him that made my heart sway. He cared for me, and he listened to me without judgement. He put up with my anger and closed-off nature, even though it didn't last long. I didn't even see him often or know him that well, but I was bloodthirsty for the bitch that hurt him, and taking my anger out on the only hunter we knew for certain seemed close enough.

"Your house." Stiles spat back, like it was beyond obvious that was where we were going. Stiles was pissed that he was stuck with Derek, most likely because he was stinking up his Jeep so bad.

"What? No. You can't take me there." Derek said quickly, his head shooting up to glare at the side of Stiles' face.

"Excuse me?" Stiles spat yet again, shaking his head. "You know what." He said furthermore, speeding up before whipping his car to the side and slamming on his brakes to a hard stop. I jolted forward, almost flying out of my seat because of my lack of seat belt. Stiles slammed his hand onto his keys, turning them to shut off the engine.

"What happens if Scott can't find your little magic bullet? Hmm? Are you dying?" Stiles spat, his jaw clenched as he glared at Derek.

I inhaled deeply and sat forward at the edge of my seat, gripping onto Stiles's shoulder to try and tell him to calm down without actually saying it. I felt him lean into my comforting touch, and I was happy to be here for him.

"Not yet. I have a last resort." Derek responded, breathing heavily with his eye squeezed shut.

"What do you mean? What last resort?" I said aggressively, raising my voice. Stiles gave me a weird look as he probably sensed the worry in my voice.

Derek groaned and slowly lifted the sleeve of his shirt, showing his wound. The veins around the bloody bullet hole rose high under his skin and had become stained inky black. I held back gag, but Stiles let out a loud one next to me as he covered his mouth and nose.

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